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Impart (v.)

1.  To give a feeling or quality to something, or to make information known to someone

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Augment (v.)

1.  to make something larger or fuller by adding something to it

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Frantic (adj.)

1.  Done in a very great hurry and often in a state of excitement or confusion

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Exculpate (v.)

1.  to remove blame from someone

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Oblige (v.)

1.  to force or make it expected for someone to do something

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Realm (n.)

1.  A kingdom (now mainly in Law); a territory or state, as ruled by a specific power.

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AnecdoteKK [ˋænɪk͵dot] (n.) 軼事, 趣聞

1.  A previously untold, secret account of an incident.

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ReassureKK [͵riəˋʃʊr] (v.) 使放心, 使消除疑慮; ...再保證

1.  To assure anew; to restore confidence to; to free from fear or terror.

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HeiferKK [ˋhɛfɚ] (n.) (未生過牛犢的)小母牛

1.  A cow that has not yet had a calf.

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Bridal KK [ˋbraɪd!] (adj.) 新娘的;婚禮的; (n.) 婚禮; 結婚喜筵

1.  a marriage festival or ceremony

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Escort KK [ˋɛskɔrt] (v.) 護送; ...護航; 陪同

1.          To go with someone or something as a companion or guard

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Hierarchical KK [͵haɪəˋrɑrkɪkl] (adj.)等級制度的僧侶統治的有統治權的等級體系的

1.          Pertaining to a hierarchy.

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Recitation (n.) KK [͵rɛsəˋteʃən] 背誦, 朗誦, 當眾吟誦

1.          The act of publicly recite, reciting something previously memorized.

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Script (n.) KK [skrɪpt] 筆跡; 字體

1. A text that is written for a movie, play, broadcast, or speech

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Mutilate (v.) KK [ˋmjut!͵et]  重傷

1. To destroy beyond recognition

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