ReassureKK [͵riəˋʃʊr] (v.) 使放心, 使消除疑慮; ...再保證

1.  To assure anew; to restore confidence to; to free from fear or terror.

2.  To reinsure.

Ex: The coach's confidence reassured the whole team.

CircumspectKK [ˋsɝkəm͵spɛkt] (adj.) 慎重的; 謹慎小心的

1.  Aware of all circumstances; considerate of all that is pertinent; cautious, prudent, thoughtful, or wary.

Ex: This is a very sensitive case requiring extreme circumspection.

BraidKK [bred] (n.) 髮辮, 辮子; 穗帶, 鑲邊; (v.) (頭髮)編成辮子; ...編成穗帶; 編織, 編結

        (n.)1.  A weave of three of more strands of fibers, ribbons, cords or hair often for decoration.

       (v.)2.  To make a sudden movement with, to jerk.             3.  To start into motion.

Ex: The uniform was trimmed with gold braid.

BuoyKK [bɔɪ] (n.) 浮標, 浮筒; 救生圈, 救生衣; (v.) ...設浮標; 用浮標標出; 支持; 鼓勵

           (n.)1.  A float moored in water to mark a location, warn of danger, or indicate a navigational channel.

   2.  A lifebuoy.

(v.)3.  To keep afloat or aloft.

      4.  To support or maintain at a high level.

Ex: Her spirits were buoyed up by hopes of success.

LustrousKK [ˋlʌstrəs] (adj.) 有光澤的; 光亮的

1.  Having a glow.

2.  As if shining with a brilliant light; radiant.

Ex: This conditioner will give your hair a lustrous glow.

CascadeKK [kæsˋked] (n.) 陡峭的)小瀑布; (階梯狀)瀑布的一支; 瀑布狀的東西; 一連串的東西; 像瀑布樣流下來的資訊; (v.) 瀑布似地落下; 使聯成系列; 【電】使串聯

        (n.)1.  A waterfall or series of small waterfalls

    2.  A stream or sequence of a thing or things occurring as if falling like a cascade.

    3.  A series of electrical components, the output of any one being connected to the input of the next; See also daisy chain

(v.)4.  To fall as a waterfall or series of small waterfalls.

      5.  To occur as a causal sequence.

      6.  To vomit.

Ex: The river fell in a series of cascades down towards the lake.

NymphKK [nɪmf] (n.) ; 【希神】【羅神】居於山林水澤的仙女, 女神; 【文】美女; 年青女子

1.  The larva of certain insects.

2.  ( Greek & Roman mythology) Any minor female deity associated with water, forests, etc.

3.  A young girl, especially one who inspires lustful feelings.

Ex: She fled as if she were a startled nymph.

BoisterousKK [ˋbɔɪstərəs] (adj.) 喧鬧的; 愛鬧的; 狂歡的; 狂暴的, 猛烈的

1.  Full of energy; noisy.

2.  Characterized by violence and agitation; wild; stormy.

3.  Having or resembling animal exuberance.

Ex: Our class was loud and boisterous.

OnslaughtKK [ˋɑn͵slɔt] (n.) 突擊, 猛攻

1.  A fierce attack.

2.  A large quantity of people or things resembling an attack.

Ex: The politician made a violent onslaught on the unions.

LimpKK [lɪmp] (n.) 跛行; (v.) 一瘸一拐地走, 跛行; 緩慢費力地前進; (adj.) 鬆沓的; 鬆弛的; 軟弱的; 無精神的

        (n.)1.  An irregular, jerky or awkward gait

    2.  A scraper for removing poor ore or refuse from the sieve

(v.)3.  To walk lamely, as if favoring one leg. Also used figuratively

       Ex: The damaged ship limped back to port.

(a.)5.  Flaccid; flabby, as flesh.

       6.  Lacking stiffness; flimsy; as, a limp cravat.

        Ex: The flowers looked limp in the hot dry weather.

QuarryKK [ˋkwɔrɪ] (n.) ()石場; 露天礦場; (知識等的)豐富源泉; (消息等的)來源; (v.) 從採石場採得; 努力發掘

        (n.) 1.  A site for mine, mining stone.

    Ex: This mountain was the site for a quarry.

(v.)2.  To obtain stone from a quarry.

               3.  To extract or slowly obtain by long, tedious searching.

     Ex: He spent much time in quarrying in old records.

FarmsteadKK [ˋfɑrm͵stɛd] (n.) 農場建築物和周圍地區; 農莊

1.  The main building of a farm

2.  A farm, including its buildings

NeglectKK [nɪgˋlɛkt] (n.) 忽略; 疏忽; 疏漏 (v.) 忽視, 忽略; 漏做, 忘了做

(n.)1. The act of neglecting or the state of being neglected

2. Habitual lack of care

(v.)3. To fail to give needed care or attention to someone or something

                Ex: He neglected to tell his employer that he would be taking the day off.

DrenchKK [drɛntʃ] (n.) 濕透, ; 滂沱大雨; 獸用藥水; (v.) 使濕透, 浸濕; (牲口)灌藥

1.  (n.)A draught administered to an animal. A liquid medicine, or an instance or act of soaking.

2.  (v.)To soak, to make very wet.

Ex: The rain drenched my clothes.

BeguileKK [bɪˋgaɪl] (v.) 欺騙, 誆騙; 使陶醉, 使著迷; 使(時間)過得愉快; 輕鬆地消磨

1.  To deceive or delude (using guile).

2.  To charm, delight or captivate.

Ex: The mother beguiled children with stories

GlistenKK [ˋglɪsn] (n.) 閃耀; 閃光 (v.) 閃耀; 反光

1.  A glittering shine; a scintillation, sparkle or flash

2.  To reflect light, sparkle, shine or glitter.

Ex: The leaves glisten with dew.

SwirlKK [swɝl] (n.) 打旋, 旋轉; 渦流; 漩渦; 拳曲狀物; 暈眩, 昏亂; (v.) 打旋, 旋轉; 捲曲, 盤繞; 暈眩, 昏亂

        (n.)1.  a whirling eddy

   2.  a twist or coil of something

(v.)3.  To twist or whirl, as an eddy

      4.  To move or cause to move in twisting or spinning motions.

     Ex: The water swirled about his feet.

ExultantKK [ɪgˋzʌltnt] (adj.) 狂喜的; 歡欣鼓舞的

1.  Very happy, especially at someone else's defeat or failure.

Ex: The exultant crowds were dancing in the streets.

RavenousKK [ˋrævɪnəs] (adj.) 餓極了的, 狼吞虎嚥的; 貪婪的

1.  Very hungry

2.  Greedily or wildly hungry; voracious or famished

Ex: Most infants have a ravenous appetite.

ThresholdKK [ˋθrɛʃhold] (n.) 門檻; 出發點, 開端, 起點; (稅的)起徵點

1.  The bottom-most part of a doorway that one crosses to enter; a sill.

2.  The start of the landing area of a runway

3.  The wage or salary at which income tax becomes due

4.  The outset of an action or project

Ex: Scientists are on the threshold of a breakthrough in their treatment of that disease.

AplentyKK [əˋplɛntɪ] (adj.) 豐富的, 很多的; (adv.) 豐富地; , 非常

1.  (adj.)In a generous or overlarge quantity.

2.  (adv.)Enough or more than enough.

Ex: If that's not enough, there are shows, films and amusements aplenty.

DecreeKK [dɪˋkri] (n.) 法令, 政令, 命令; 判決, 裁定; 天意, 天命

1.  An order or statement of an official decision

2.  An edict or law.

3.  The judicial decision in a litigated cause rendered by a court of equity.

Ex: The court granted her a decree of divorce.

DisembarkKK [͵dɪsɪmˋbɑrk] (v.) 登陸; 上岸; 下車; 使上岸; (); 使登陸

1.  To remove from on board a vessel; to put on shore; to land; to debark.

2.  To go ashore out of a ship or boat; to leave a train or airplane; to debark.

Ex: They disembarked in Seattle.

RapturousKK [ˋræptʃərəs] (adj.) 著迷的, 癡迷的; 狂喜的; 銷魂的

1.  The state or condition of being full of rapture

2.  Showing extreme pleasure and happiness or excitement

Ex: The team received a rapturous welcome.

RidiculeKK [ˋrɪdɪkjul] (n.) 嘲笑, 揶揄, 奚落

1.  Derision; mocking or humiliating words or behavior

Ex: Her brothers poured ridicule on her boyfriend.


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