1)Instructor  \in-ˈstrək-tər\ (n.)

1.a person who teaches a subject or skill : someone who instructs people

2.a teacher in a college or university who is not a professor


He's a poetry instructor at a local community college.


2)Ballpark /ˈbl-ˌpärk/  (n.)

1. a park in which baseball games are played : a baseball park or stadium


Hit a home run out of the ballpark.


3)Hurtle /ˈhər-təl/  (v.)

1. to move or fall with great speed and force

2. to cause (something or someone) to move or go with great speed and force


Boulders hurtled down the hill.


4)Simulate /ˈsim-yə-ˌlāt/ (transitive verb)

1. to look, feel, or behave like (something)


The model will be used to simulate the effects of an earthquake.


5)Stow /ˈstō/ (transitive verb)

1. to put (something that is not being used) in a place where it is available, where it can be kept safely, etc.


He stowed his gear in a locker.


6)Accelerate  /-lə-ˌrāt/  (v.)

1. to move faster : to gain speed

2. to cause (something) to happen sooner or more quickly


She stepped on the gas and accelerated the car.


7)Exclusive /iks-ˈklü-siv, -ziv/  (adj.)

1. not shared : available to only one person or group

2. only allowing in people from a high social class

3. available to only a few people because of high cost


He belongs to an exclusive club.


8)Undocumented  /ən-ˈdä-kyə-ˌmen-təd/  (adj.)

1. not having the official documents that are needed to enter, live in, or work in a country legally

2. not supported by evidence that consists of documents : not having written proof


The company cannot reimburse you for undocumented travel expenses.


9)Draft \ˈdraft, ˈdräft\  (n.)

1.a version of something (such as a document) that you make before you make the final version

2.cool air moving in a closed space (such as a room)

3.a system in which young people are required to join the armed forces of a country for a period of service


The published poem differs quite a bit from earlier drafts.


10)Intense /in-ˈten(t)s/  (adj.)

1. very great in degree : very strong

2. done with or showing great energy, enthusiasm, or effortof a person : very serious


He shielded his eyes from the intense flash of light.


11)Endorsement /in-ˈdr-smənt, en-/  (n.)

1. a public or official statement of support or approval

2. the act of publicly saying that you like or use a product or service in exchange for money

3. the act or result of writing your name on the back of a check


The newspaper has announced its political endorsements.


12)Squeaky  /ˈskwēk/ (v.)

1. to make a short, high-pitched cry or noise

2. to barely succeed at doing something : to almost lose or fail but to finally succeed, win, etc.

3. to say (something) in a high-pitched voice especially because you are nervous or excited


I could hear the mouse squeaking.


13)Impermeable /(ˌ)im-ˈpər-mē-ə-bəl/  (adj.)

1. not allowing something (such as a liquid) to pass through


A fabric impermeable to moisture.


14)Buoyant /ˈbi-ənt, ˈbü-yənt/  (adj.)

1.able to float

2.able to cause things to float

3. happy and confident


Warm air is more buoyant than cool air.


15)Infinite  \ˈin-fə-nət\   (adj.)

1.having no limits

2.extremely large or great


She has infinite patience when she's dealing with children.


16)Drastically \ˈdras-tik\  (adj.)

1.extreme in effect or action : severe or serious


Maybe we should try something less drastic first


17)Presto /ˈpres-(ˌ)tō/  ( interjection)

1. suddenly as if by magic


Collect enough tickets and, presto , you have a degree.


18)Deploy /di-ˈpli/  (v.)

1. to organize and send out (people or things) to be used for a particular purpose

2. to open up and spread out the parts of (something, such as a parachute)


The troops were deployed for battle.


19)Wriggle /ˈri-gəl/  (v.)

1. to twist from side to side with small quick movements like a worm

2. to move forward by twisting and turning


The children wriggled and squirmed in their chairs.


20)Streamline  /ˈstrēm-ˌlīn/   (n.)

1.the path of a particle in a fluid relative to a solid body past which the fluid is moving in smooth flow without turbulence

2.a :  a contour designed to minimize resistance to motion through a fluid (as air)

   b:  a smooth or flowing line designed as if for decreasing air resistance


Others streamline  internal administration of programs and people.


21)Curse /ˈkərs/  (n.)

1. an offensive word that people say when they are angry

2. magical words that are said to cause trouble or bad luck for someone or the condition that results when such words are said

3. a cause of trouble or bad luck


I heard him utter a curse before the microphone was shut off.


22)Nerve-wracking  /ˈnərv-ˌra-kiŋ/ (adj.)

1. causing a person to feel very nervous


It's nerve-wracking and indescribably bad, and people even leave during it.


23)Headstrong  /-ˌstrŋ/ ( adj.)

1. not willing to do what other people want : very stubborn


The child is very headstrong.


24)Slobber /ˈslä-bər/  (v.)

1. to let saliva or liquid flow from your mouth


Her baby just slobbered on the blanket.


25)Mesmerize /-mə-ˌrīz/ (transitive verb)

1. to hold the attention of (someone) entirely : to interest or amaze (someone) so much that nothing else is seen or noticed


Discovered that the children were mesmerized by a television show.


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