
Ori-: beginning


Orientation NOUN /ˌɔːriənˈteɪʃ(ə)n/


1. a person's feelings, interests, and beliefs 

2. a main interest, quality, or goal

3. the process of giving people training and information about a new job, situation, etc.


1. He makes no secret of his orientation.

2. The organization has a decidedly conservative orientation.

3. Her later works were more introspective in orientation.


Oriental ADJECTIVE /ˌɔːriˈent(ə)l/


1. often capitalized :  of, relating to, or situated in Asia

2. of superior grade, luster, or value


Original ADJECTIVE /əˈrɪdʒ(ə)nəl/


1. a document, film, painting, etc., which is created by someone and from which a copy or translation is made

2. a person who is different from other people in an appealing or interesting way


1. I gave her a copy of the report and kept the original.

2. This isn't a reprint, it's an original.

3. Compared to other actresses of her generation, she is a true original.


Mor-: death


Mortal ADJECTIVE /ˈmɔː(r)t(ə)l/


1. certain to die

2. causing death

3. possibly causing death


1. Every living creature is mortal.

2. He suffered a mortal wound in the battle.


Immortal ADJECTIVE  /ɪˈmɔː(r)t(ə)l/


1. not capable of dying : living forever

2. used to say that something will last or be remembered forever

3. a famous person who will never be forgotten


1. the age-old quest for immortal fame

2. vowed that his hatred of that family was immortal and that someday he'd get his revenge




predict VERB /prɪˈdɪkt/


1. to say that (something) will or might happen in the future

2. to declare or indicate in advance; especially :  foretell on the basis of observation, experience, or scientific reason


1. All the local forecasters are predicting rain for this afternoon.

2. She claims that she can predict future events.

3. It's hard to predict how the election will turn out.

prefix NOUN [COUNTABLE] /ˈpriːfɪks/


1. to add a letter, number, or symbol at the beginning of a word or number

2. a letter or group of letters that is added at the beginning of a word to change its meaning


1. Prefix “un” to “do” to form the word “undo.”

2. The cost of the item was prefixed by a dollar sign.

3. Add the prefix “re-” to form the words “retell” and “recall.”


bene-: good


Benevolent ADJECTIVE /bəˈnev(ə)lənt/


1. kind and generous

2. organized to do good things for other people


1. He belonged to several benevolent societies and charitable organizations.

2. a gift from a benevolent donor


male-: bad


malevolent ADJECTIVE /məˈlevələnt/


having or showing a desire to cause harm to another person


vir- / ver-: truth


in vino veritas 


1. there is truth in wine

2. Latin


dic-: to say, to tell words


prophetess : a female prophet



psyche cupid love butterfly


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