
1)Respectively /rɪˈspɛktɪvli/ (adv.) particular : separately <could not recognize the solutions as salty or sour, respectively> the order given <Mary and Anne were respectively 12 and 16 years old>

EX: What do they mean respectively?


2)Compile \kəm-ˈpī(-ə)l\ (transitive verb) compose out of materials from other documents collect and edit into a volume build up gradually <compiled a record of four wins and two losses> run (as a program) through a compiler

EX: He compiled a book of poems.


3)Evacuation \i-ˌva-kyə-ˈwā-shən, -kyü-ˈā-\ (n.)

1.the act or process of evacuating

2.something evacuated or discharged

EX: This decrease and the cold weather complicated evacuation work.


4)Coincide \ˌkō-ən-ˈsīd, ˈkō-ən-ˌ\   (intransitive verb)


a : to occupy the same place in space or time

b : to occupy exactly corresponding or equivalent positions on a scale or in a series correspond in nature, character, or function be in accord or agreement : concur

EX: The goals of the business partners coincide.


5)Deficit \ˈde-fə-sət, British also di-ˈfis-ət or ˈdē-fə-sət\ (n.)


a (1) : deficiency in amount or quality <a deficit in rainfall>

(2) : a lack or impairment in a functional capacity <cognitive deficits><a hearing deficit>

b : disadvantage <scored two runs to overcome a 2–1 deficit>


a : an excess of expenditure over revenue

b : a loss in business operations

EX: The government is facing a deficit of $3 billion.


6)Adequate \ˈa-di-kwət\ (adj.)

1.sufficient for a specific requirement <adequate taxation of goods>; also : barely sufficient or satisfactory <her first performance was merely adequate>

2.lawfully and reasonably sufficient <adequate grounds for a lawsuit>

EX: The garden hasn't been getting adequate water.


7)Exhibit \ig-ˈzi-bət\ (v.)

transitive verb submit (as a document) to a court or officer in course of proceedings; also : to present or offer officially or in legal form present to view: as

a : to show or display outwardly especially by visible signs or actions <exhibited no fear>

b : to have as a readily discernible quality or feature <in all cultures we know, men exhibit an aesthetic sense — H. J. Muller>

c : to show publicly especially for purposes of competition or demonstration <exhibit a collection of artifacts>

intransitive verb display something for public inspection

EX: They will be exhibiting a collection of paintings.


8)Incentive \in-ˈsen-tiv\ (n.)

1.something that incites or has a tendency to incite to determination or action

- incentive adjective

EX: The rising cost of electricity provides a strong incentive to conserve energy.


9)Agrarian \ə-ˈgrer-ē-ən\ (adj)

1.of or relating to fields or lands or their tenure


a : of, relating to, or characteristic of farmers or their way of life <agrarian values>

b : organized or designed to promote agricultural interests

EX:A town founded in 1811 as an agrarian community


10)Advent \ˈad-ˌvent, chiefly British -vənt\ (n.)

1.the period beginning four Sundays before Christmas and observed by some Christians as a season of prayer and fasting


a : the coming of Christ at the Incarnation

b : second coming

3. not capitalized : a coming into being or use <the Advent of spring><the Advent of pasteurization><the Advent of personal computers>

EX: The advent of the computer changed people's life greatly.


11)Exponentially \ˌek-spə-ˈnen-chəl\ (adj.)

1.of or relating to an exponent

2.involving a variable in an exponent <10x is an exponential expression>

3.expressible or approximately expressible by an exponential function; especially : characterized by or being an extremely rapid increase (as in size or extent) <an exponential growth rate>

EX: The business has experienced several years of exponential growth.


12)Conspire\kən-ˈspī(-ə)r\ (v.)

transitive verb

1.plot, contrive

intransitive verb


a : to join in a secret agreement to do an unlawful or wrongful act or an act which becomes unlawful as a result of the secret agreement <accused of conspiring to overthrow the government>

b : scheme act in harmony toward a common end <circumstances conspired to defeat his efforts>

EX: But if any force tries to conspire and work against the people's will, we might be compelled to take that way despite our unwillingness.


13)Sedentary \ˈse-dən-ˌter-ē\ (adj.)

1.not migratory : settled <sedentary birds><sedentary civilizations>


a : doing or requiring much sitting <a sedentary job>

b : not physically active <a sedentary lifestyle>

3.permanently attached <sedentary barnacles>

EX: Editing the dictionary is a sedentary job.


14)Routine \rü-ˈtēn\ (n.)


a : a regular course of procedure <if resort to legal action becomes a campus routine — J. A. Perkins>

b : habitual or mechanical performance of an established procedure <the routine of factory work>

2.a reiterated speech or formula <the old “After you” routine — Ray Russell>

3.a worked-out part (as of an entertainment or sports contest) that may be often repeated <a dance routine>; especially : a theatrical number

4.a sequence of computer instructions for performing a particular task

EX: Grandma gets upset if we change her routine.


15)Unstructured \-ˈstrək-chərd\ (adj.)

1.lacking structure or organization: as

a : not formally organized in a set or conventional pattern <an unstructured question><feel insecure in an unstructured situation>

b : not having a system or hierarchy typical of an organized society

EX: Unstructured play time is important for children.


16)Intimate \ˈin-tə-ˌmāt\ (transitive verb) make known especially publicly or formally : announce communicate delicately and indirectly : hint

EX: He stated what others had only dared to intimate.


17)Fragrance \ˈfrā-grən(t)s\ (n.)


a : a sweet or delicate odor (as of fresh flowers, pine trees, or perfume)

b : something (as a perfume) compounded to give off a sweet or pleasant odor

2.the quality or state of having a sweet odor

EX:A flower with a lovely fragrance


18)Tolerate \ˈtä-lə-ˌrāt\ (transitive verb) endure or resist the action of (as a drug or food) without serious side effects or discomfort : exhibit physiological tolerance for


a : to allow to be or to be done without prohibition, hindrance, or contradiction

b : to put up with <learn to tolerate one another>

EX: Our teacher will not tolerate bad grammar.


19)Appliance\ə-ˈplī-ən(t)s\ (n.) act of applying


a : a piece of equipment for adapting a tool or machine to a special purpose : attachment

b : an instrument or device designed for a particular use or function <an orthodontic appliance>; specifically : a household or office device (as a stove, fan, or refrigerator) operated by gas or electric current

c British : fire engine

3.obsolete : compliance

EX: All household appliances are now on sale.


20)Postpone \(ˌ)pōs(t)-ˈpōn\ (transitive verb) put off to a later time : defer


a : to place later (as in a sentence) than the normal position in English <postpone an adjective>

b : to place later in order of precedence, preference, or importance

EX: The baseball game was postponed until tomorrow because of rain.


21)Fortified\ˈfȯr-tə-ˌfī\ (v.)

transitive verb make strong: as

a : to strengthen and secure (as a town) by forts or batteries

b : to give physical strength, courage, or endurance to <fortified by a hearty meal>

c : to add mental or moral strength to : encourage <fortified by prayer>

d : to add material to for strengthening or enriching <fortified milk>

intransitive verb erect fortifications

EX: Support for his theories has been fortified by the results of these experiments.


22)Residence \ˈre-zə-dən(t)s, ˈrez-dən(t)s, ˈre-zə-ˌden(t)s\ (n.)


a : the act or fact of dwelling in a place for some time

b : the act or fact of living or regularly staying at or in some place for the discharge of a duty or the enjoyment of a benefit


a (1) : the place where one actually lives as distinguished from one's domicile or a place of temporary sojourn (2) : domicile 2a

b : the place where a corporation is actually or officially established

c : the status of a legal resident


a : a building used as a home : dwelling

b : housing or a unit of housing provided for students


a : the period or duration of abode in a place

b : a period of active and especially full-time study, research, or teaching at a college or university

EX: They were granted residence in this country.


23)Embalm \im-ˈbä(l)m, em-\ (transitive verb) treat (a dead body) so as to protect from decay fill with sweet odors : perfume protect from decay or oblivion : preserve <embalm a hero's memory> fix in a static condition


Good job opportunities are expected, particularly for those who embalm.


24)Display\di-ˈsplā\ (v.)

transitive verb


a : to put or spread before the view <display the flag>

b : to make evident <displayed great skill>

c : to exhibit ostentatiously <liked to display his erudition>

2.obsolete : descry

intransitive verb

1. obsolete : show off make a breeding display <penguins displayed and copulated>

EX: Students displayed their projects at the science fair.


25)Picturesque \ˌpik-chə-ˈresk\ (adj.)


a : resembling a picture : suggesting a painted scene

b : charming or quaint in appearance

2.evoking mental images : vivid

EX: The view of the mountains was very picturesque.


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