
quickening (adj.) /ˈkwɪk(ə)nɪŋ/

Becoming faster.

All that had the quickening breathe of life. 


eventide (n.) [ˈivənˌtaɪd] 

The end of the day; evening.

The dove came back to him at eventide.  


bawl (v.) [bɔl]

to speak to cry loudly .

They could hear a baby bawling somewhere.


utterance (n.) /ˈʌt(ə)rəns/

a statement;a word or phrase that someone speaks.

A low grumble or indistinct utterance.  


province (n.) /ˈprɑvɪns/

one of many areas into which some countries are divided;a subject that someone knows about or is responsible for.

When Jesus was born in Roman province of Judea.


manifest (v.)  /ˈmænɪˌfest/

To show something such as a feeling or ability, so that it is easy to notice.

In the Oresteia the will of Zeus is manifested in every action.


salvation (n.) [sælˋveʃən]

something that prevents or saves someone or something from danger, loss, or failure

The Internet turned out to be the salvation of the company.


redress (n.)   /rɪˈdres/

Something that you do for someone or money that you give to them as a way of improving a bad situation that you are responsible for.

Because she finds no redress for her wring.  


complacent (adj.) /kəmˈpleɪs(ə)nt/

Too confident and relaxed because you think you can deal with something easily, even though this may not be true.

Compared with her credulous king and her complacent husband. 



pawn (n.) /pɔn/

a person who is being used by someone who is more powerful to help them achieve a goal.

She moves them like pawns to their proper places in her barbaric game.   


oppressor (n.) /əˈpresər/

A powerful leader or government that treats people in an unfair or cruel way.

They showed violent opposition to the oppressor


glade (n.)   /ɡleɪd/

An area of a forest where there are no trees or bushes.

Not never had fallen in the glades of Pelion.


smitten (adj) /ˈsmɪt(ə)n/

in love with someone;seriously affected by something such as an illness or emotion.

The smitten fir-tree to furnish oars for the hands.  


salvation (n.)   /sælˈveɪʃ(ə)n/

something or someone that helps someone in a bad or dangerous situation.

This is indeed the greatest salvation of all.


solely (adv.) /ˈsoʊlli/

Involving nothing except the person or thing mentioned.

They showed violent opposition to the oppressor


constituent (adj.) /kənˈstɪtʃuənt/

Forming part of something.

The constituent parts of tragedy.


botany (n.)   /ˈbɑt(ə)ni/

The scientific study of plants.

The coverage of the subject in his botany text is inadequate.


falter (v.)  /'fɔltɚ/

to become weaker or less effective

The economy is showing signs of faltering. 


welter (n.) /ˈweltər/

a messy collection of different things;a welterweight. T

he earth then was welter.  



vault (n.) /vɔlt/

an underground room where people’s bodies are buried, especially under a church.

Let there be a vault in the midst of the waters.


nostril (n.)   /ˈnɑstrəl/ 

One of the two holes at the end of your nose.

He dislikes his wide nostrils.


bdellium (n.) [ˈdɛlɪəm]

A fragrant resin produced by a number of trees related to myrrh, used in perfumes.

And the gold of that land is goodly, bdellium is there, and lapis lazuli.



sustainer (n.) [səˈstenɚ]

Upholder, someone who upholds or maintains.

I shall make him a sustainer beside him.


immense (adj.) /ɪˈmens/

Extremely large.

The scopeof his written work, philosophical and scientific, is immense.







































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