
ember (n.) /ˈembər/

a piece of wood or coal that is still hot and red after a fire has stopped burning.

Only the embers of the bonfire remained.   


stillborn (adj.) /ˈstɪlˌbɔrn/

a stillborn baby is born dead;something that is stillborn ends before it ever has the chance to begin.

The women die in labor, children stillborn.  


iconoclastic (adj.)   /aɪˌkɑnəˈklæstɪk/

Attacking the beliefs, customs, and opinions that most people in a society accept.

His Medea is typical of his iconoclastic approach.  


ironic (adj.)  /aɪˈrɑnɪk/

expressing the opposite of what you really think, especially in order to be humorous.

Medea is the ironic expression of the disillusion. 


telltale (adj.) /ˈtelˌteɪl/

Telltale signs of something are obvious signs that it exists or it has happened.

Oedipus comes forward, majestic but for a telltale limp.  

assessment (n.) /əˈsesmənt/

the process of making a judgment or forming an opinion, after considering something or someone carefully.

Your assessment is substantially correct.



prudence (n.) [ˈprudṇs]

the ability to govern and discipline oneself by the use of reason.

His prudence saved his life.


sphinx (n.) /sfɪŋks/

an animal in ancient Greek and Egyptian myths that has a lion’s body and a human head.

Oedipus risked his life to answer the riddle of the sphinx.  


oracle (n.) /ˈɔrək(ə)l/

a type of priest in ancient Greece who told people what would happen in the future or who gave them advice from the gods.

In times of difficulty, she pray for an oracle to guide her.



awestruck (a.) [ˋɔstrʌk]

Feeling extremely impressed by something.

She gazed awestruck at the jewels.



stranglehold  (v.) [ˋstræŋg!͵hold]

complete control over something that makes it impossible for it to grow or develop well

Just a few firms have a stranglehold on the market for this software.


contemporary (adj.) /kənˈtempəˌreri/

Someone alive at the same time as a particular event or person.

He had devoted his whole life to the study of contemporary art.


reprisal (n.) [rɪˋpraɪz!] something violent or harmful which you do to punish someone for something bad they have done to you

Alfred was shot in reprisal for the killing of a rival gang member.



adversary (n.) [ˋædvɚ͵sɛrɪ]

a country or person you are fighting or competing against 

He is a shrewd and sometimes ruthless adversary.


rationalist (adj.)   /'ræʃənḷɪst/   

Of or relating to or characteristic of rationalism.

It is a classic sanctuary in which the rationalist fancy may take refuge. 


orthodoxy (n.) /ˈɔrθəˌdɑksi/

an idea or practice that is accepted by most people as being correct or usual.

A dissenter from political orthodoxy.


taunt (n.)   /tɔnt/    

A cruel remark that is intended to make someone angry or upset.
I ignored the taunts of the opposition.


abyss (n.) /əˈbɪs/

a very frightening or dangerous situation, or one in which there seems to be no hope.

He has been in the abyss of despair.    


whinge (v.)  /wɪndʒ/

to complain in an annoying way

Stop whingeing about the situation and accept it.



depravity (n.)   dɪˈprævəti/     

Behavior that is immoral or evil.

Given to vice, immorality, or depravity .


self-revelation (n.)  [ˈsɛlfˌrɛvɪˈleʃən]

Revelation of one's own thoughts, feelings, and attitudes especially without deliberate intent.

But you are being the movement of revelation , of Self-revelation .


solicitude (n.)   /səˈlɪsɪˌtud/

Behavior that shows you care about someone’s health, feelings, safety, etc..

The solicitude of the caring husband for his wife made her feel unhappy.



zeal (n.)  /zil/

A lot of energy, effort, and enthusiasm.

He shows zeal for knowledge.


excommunication   /ˌekskəˌmjunɪˈkeɪʃ(ə)n/  

the act of banishing a member of a church from the communion of believers and the privileges of the church.

An excommunication or condemnation by church officials.   


troop (n.) /trup/

soldiers, especially in large numbers.

The troop were well led.










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