introspective (adj.) /ˌɪntrəˈspektɪv/
Tending to examine your own feelings, thoughts, or ideas instead of communicating with other people.
Their introspective ways were not free of drawbacks, however.
unprecedented (adj.) /ʌnˈpresɪˌdentɪd/
Never having happened or existed before. T
he Augustan period was a time of unprecedented peace and stability.
iambic (adj.) /aɪˈæmbɪk/
Relating to an iamb or iambs.
A line of verse that has six iambic feet.
subtle (adj.) /ˈsʌt(ə)l/
not obvious, and therefore difficult to notice.
The subtle variation of the rhythm is not the only problem faced by translator.
compensate (v.) /ˈkɑmpənˌseɪt/
to pay someone money because they have suffered an injury or loss.
They must also try to compensate
ambush (n.) /ˈæmˌbʊʃ/
An attack from a hidden position.
The citizens wouldn’t surrender, and armed for an ambush.
fiery (adj.) /ˈfaɪri/
burning or full of flames;very bright in color
And took their places, concealed by fiery bronze.
fleecy (adj.) /ˈflisi/
Something fleecy looks or feels soft and light, especially because it is made of fleece.
Cut off the herds of cattle and fleecy silver sheep.
ruckus (n.) /ˈrʌkəs/
A fight, or a noisy argument.
When the armies sitting in council got wind of the ruckus with the cattle.
forge (v.) [fɔrdʒ]
to develop something new, especially a strong relationship with other people, groups, or countries
Back in the 1980s, they were attempting to forge a new kind of rock music.
furrow (n.)[ˋfɝo]
deep line or fold in the skin of someone's face, especially on the forehead
A deep furrow appeared between his brows.
enamel (n.) [ɪˋnæm!]
a hard shiny substance that is put onto metal, clay etc for decoration or protection
Some of the enamel on this pan is chipped off
gallop (v.) /ˈɡæləp/
if a horse gallops, it runs as its fastest speed;to move, pass, or develop very quickly.
They mounted their high-stepping horses andgallop to the scene.
fray (n.) /freɪ/
a fight or argument.;an exciting activity or situation in which someone competes with other people.
And dragging one dead by his heels from the fray.
sway (v.) /sweɪ/
to influence or change someone’s opinion;to move or swing gently side to side.
They swayed in battle and fought like living men.
sceptre (n.) /'sɛptɚ/
decorated rod carried by a king or queen at ceremonies as a symbol of their power
The sceptre is an attribute of kingly power.
falter (v.) /'fɔltɚ/
to become weaker or less effective
The economy is showing signs of faltering.
reaper (n.) /'ripɚ/
An imaginary character who represents death;usually shown as a skeleton wearing a long black with a hood and carrying a scythe
Where reapers with sharp sickles were working.
sickle (n.) /ˈsɪk(ə)l/
a tool for cutting down grass and tall plants, consisting of a long curved blade and a handle;a curved shape.
Where reapers with sharp sickles were working.
glisten (v.) [ˋglɪsn]
to shine and look wet or oily
The boy's back was glistening with sweat.
distraught (a.) [dɪˋstrɔt]
so upset and worried that you cannot think clearly
Relatives are tonight comforting the distraught parents.
detriment (n.)[ˋdɛtrəmənt]
the act of causing harm or damage; something that causes harm or damage
He worked very long hours, to the detriment of his marriage.
beguiling (adj.) /bɪˈɡaɪlɪŋ/
A beguiling person or thing seems attractive and interesting, but may be dangerous.
The prospect of instant riches was too beguiling to ignore.