
audi-: to hear, listen


audience noun \ˈȯ-dē-ən(t)s, ˈä-\


1. a group of people who gather together to listen to something (such as a concert) or watch something (such as a movie or play) : the people who attend a performance

2. the people who watch, read, or listen to something

3. a formal meeting with an important person


1. The concert attracted a large audience.

2. The audience clapped and cheered.

3. Her audience is made up mostly of young women.


audio adjective \ˈȯ-dē-ˌō\, noun


1. of or relating to the sound that is heard on a recording or broadcast

2. the sound that is heard on a recording or broadcast


1. The audio portion of the broadcast was fine but the picture was poor.

2. They listened to an audio recording of the speech.

3. The picture was clear but the audio was very poor.


audible adjective \ˈȯ-də-bəl\, noun


1. heard or able to be heard

2. a substitute offensive or defensive play called at the line of scrimmage in football


1. Her voice was barely audible over the noise.

2. He let out an audible sigh.



dia-: through, across, between


dialogue noun \ˈdī-ə-ˌlȯg, -ˌläg\


1. the things that are said by the characters in a story, movie, play, etc.

2. a discussion or series of discussions that two groups or countries have in order to end a disagreement

3. a conversation between two or more people


1. He is an expert at writing dialogue.

2. There's very little dialogue in the film.

3. The best part of the book is the clever dialogue.


dialect noun, often attributive \ˈdī-ə-ˌlekt\


a form of a language that is spoken in a particular area and that uses some of its own words, grammar, and pronunciations


1. They speak a southern dialect of French.

2. The author uses dialect in his writing.

3. The play was hard to understand when the characters spoke in dialect.


diameter noun \dī-ˈa-mə-tər\


1. a straight line from one side of something (such as a circle) to the other side that passes through the center point

2. the distance through the center of something from one side to the other


1. The dotted line indicates the diameter of the circle.

2. What is the diameter of the tree trunk?

3. Dig a hole that's two feet deep and three feet in diameter.


-eum, -ium :框限

e.g., museum, equilibrium, auditorium, stadium, aquarium, coliseum


mono-: one


monologue noun \ˈmä-nə-ˌlȯg, -ˌläg\


1. a long speech given by a character in a story, movie, play, etc., or by a performer (such as a comedian)

2. a long speech made by one person that prevents anyone else from talking


1. The play begins with the main character's monologue.

2. The comedian is famous for his monologue about winning the lottery.

3. I stifled a yawn as she launched into a monologue about how she is going to become a famous star.

monotheistic noun \ˈmä-nə-(ˌ)thē-ˌi-zəm\


the belief that there is only one God


monopoly noun \mə-ˈnä-p(ə-)lē\


1. complete control of the entire supply of goods or of a service in a certain area or market

2. a large company that has a monopoly

3. complete ownership or control of something


1. The government passed laws intended to break up monopolies.


a-: 否定

atheist noun \ˈā-thē-ist\


a person who believes that God does not exist


-cracy: govern

democracy noun \di-ˈmä-krə-sē\


1. a form of government in which people choose leaders by voting

2. a country ruled by democracy

3. an organization or situation in which everyone is treated equally and has equal rights


1. The nation has chosen democracy over monarchy.

2. In a democracy, every citizen should have the right to vote.

3. There is democracy within the company.

theocracy noun \thē-ˈä-krə-sē\


1. a form of government in which a country is ruled by religious leaders

2. a country that is ruled by religious leaders


-archy: rule, government

oligarchy noun \ˈä-lə-ˌgär-kē, ˈō-\


1. a country, business, etc., that is controlled by a small group of people

2. the people that control a country, business, etc.

3. government or control by a small group of people


1. Their nation is an oligarchy.

2. An oligarchy rules their nation.

3. The corporation is ruled by oligarchy.


in heritage 世襲


pat-: feel, suffer

patronize transitive verb \ˈpā-trə-ˌnīz, ˈpa-\


1. to give money or support to (someone or something)

2. to talk to (someone) in a way that shows that you believe you are more intelligent or better than other people

3. to be a frequent or regular customer or user of (a place)


1. The family patronizes the arts.

2. He hated being patronized and pitied by those who didn't believe his story.

3. I patronize the library regularly.

patron noun \ˈpā-trən, for 6 also pa-ˈtrōⁿ\


1. a person who gives money and support to an artist, organization, etc.

2. a person who buys the goods or uses the services of a business, library, etc.


She is a well-known patron of the arts.


dis-: not, opposite of, reverse, separate, deprive of, away


disease noun \di-ˈzēz\


1. an illness that affects a person, animal, or plant : a condition that prevents the body or mind from working normally

2. a problem that a person, group, organization, or society has and cannot stop


1. He suffers from a rare genetic disease.

2. Thousands die of heart disease each year.

3. They are working to stop the spread of disease in rural areas.

disadvantage noun \ˌdis-əd-ˈvan-tij\


1. something that causes difficulty : something that makes someone or something worse or less likely to succeed than others

2. a bad or undesirable quality or feature

3. loss, damage, or harm


1. She had the disadvantage of growing up in a poor community.

2. They argued that the new regulations would place their company at a competitive disadvantage in the marketplace.

3. There are advantages and disadvantages to the new system.

disdain noun \dis-ˈdān\, transitive verb \dis-ˈdān\


1. a feeling of strong dislike or disapproval of someone or something you think does not deserve respect

2. to strongly dislike or disapprove of (someone or something)

3. to refuse to do (something) because of feelings of dislike or disapproval


1. He regarded their proposal with disdain.

2. I have a healthy disdain for companies that mistreat their workers.

3. They disdained him for being weak.



sarcasm mark 諷刺法


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