
as-: to, toward, near, in addition to, by

assemble verb \ə-ˈsem-bəl\


1. to collect (things) or gather (people) into one place or group

2. to meet together in one place

3. to connect or put together the parts of (something, such as a toy or machine)


1. We'll need to assemble a list of songs for the concert.

2. She assembled all of her old photos into three albums.

3. Hundreds of notes and letters were assembled into a book.


associate verb \ə-ˈsō-shē-ˌāt, -sē-\, adjective \ə-ˈsō-shē-ət, -sē-, -ˌāt, -shət\


1. to think of one person or thing when you think of another person or thing

2. to be together with another person or group as friends, partners, etc.

3. having a rank or position that is below the highest level in a group, organization, etc.


1. I no longer wish to be associated with people like him.

2. She associates herself with some pretty strange people.

3. He's an associate member of the club but he hopes to become a full member soon.


para-: beside


paradox noun \ˈper-ə-ˌdäks, ˈpa-rə-\


1. something (such as a situation) that is made up of two opposite things and that seems impossible but is actually true or possible

2. someone who does two things that seem to be opposite to each other or who has

qualities that are opposite

3. a statement that seems to say two opposite things but that may be true


1. It is a paradox that computers need maintenance so often, since they are meant to save people time.

2. As an actor, he's a paradox—he loves being in the public eye but also deeply values and protects his privacy.

3. For the actors, the goal was a paradox: real emotion, produced on cue. —Claudia Roth Pierpont, New Yorker, 27 Oct. 2008

paraprofessional noun \-prə-ˈfesh-nəl, -ˈfe-shə-nəl\


a person whose job is to help a professional person (such as a teacher)


There is at least one paraprofessional in each classroom.

paramedic noun \ˌpa-rə-ˈme-dik\


a person whose job is to provide emergency medical care to sick or injured people who are being taken to a hospital


She's training to be a paramedic.

nymphomaniac noun \ˌnim(p)-fə-ˈmā-nē-ə, -nyə\


excessive sexual desire by a female


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