Hierarchical KK [͵haɪəˋrɑrkɪkl] (adj.)等級制度的僧侶統治的有統治權的等級體系的

1.          Pertaining to a hierarchy.

2.          Of or pertaining to an ecclesiastic or priestly order.

3.          Classified or arranged according to various criteria into successive ranks or grades.

Ramification KK [͵ræməfəˋkeʃən] (n.)分枝分派縱橫交錯

1.          A consequence or development complicating a problem.

2.          (botany) The divergence of the stem and limbs of a plant into smaller ones, meaning trunk into branches, branches into increasingly smaller branches and so on.

Ex: Have you considered all the ramifications of changing careers at this stage of your life?

Patriarchal KK [͵petrɪˋɑrk!] (adj.)家長的族長的家長(或族長)制的

1.          A system run by male, males (not females).

Ex: The White is a patriarchal society

Recapitulate KK [͵rikəˋpɪtʃə͵let] (v.) 扼要重述概括;【音】再現

1.          To summarize or repeat in concise form

2.          To repeat the evolutionary stages of an organism during its embryonic development

Ex: The passage recapitulates the version he offers in his prologue.

Dispute KK [dɪˋspjut] (v.)爭論爭執...提出質疑阻止抵抗爭奪(土地勝利等); (n.)爭端

1.          (n.) An argument or disagreement, a failure to agree

2.          (v.) To c ntend in argument; to argue against something maintained, upheld, or claimed, by another; to discuss; to reason; to debate; to altercate; to wrangle.

3.          To make a subject of disputation; to argue pro and con; to discuss.

4.          To oppose by argument or assertion; to attempt to overthrow; to controvert; To strive or contend about; to contest.

Ex: I don’t dispute that his films are entertaining, but they don’t have much depth.

Asymmetry KK [eˋsɪmɪtrɪ] (n.)不對稱

1.          Want of symmetry, or proportion between the parts of a thing, especially want of bilateral symmetry.

2.          Incommensurability.

3.          That which causes something to not be symmetrical.

Register KK [ˋrɛdʒɪstɚ] (n.)登記註冊登記簿花名冊; 音】音域聲域【文】語域成的。(v.)登記註冊; (計器等)標示指示記錄 ; 流露表達正式提出掛號郵寄托運;【口】(常用在否定句中)留下印象

        (n.)1.          A formal recording of names, events, transactions etc.;A book of such entries.

2.          The act of registering.

3.          A device that automatically records a quantity etc.

4.          (music) The range of a voice or instrument. An organ stop.

5.          (Always voluntary) To sign over for safe keeping. Abandons complete ownership for partial.

6.          (linguistics) a style of a language used in a particular context

(v.)7.          To enter in a register.

8.      To enroll, especially to vote.

9.      To record, especially in writing.

10.      To express outward signs.

Ex: I registered the car in my name.

Colloquial KK [kəˋlokwɪəl] (adj.) 口語的; 會話的; 用於口語的; 口語體的

1.          (linguistics) Denoting a manner of speaking or writing that is characteristic of familiar conversation; informal.

2.          Of or pertaining to a conversation; conversational or chatty.

Formulaic (adj.) KK [fɔrmjəˋleɪk] 公式的; 俗套的; 刻板的

1.          Closely following a formula or predictable pattern; imitative, not original

Ex: The text was dull and formulaic.

Incalculable KK [ɪnˋkælkjələb!] (adj.)不可計算的, 數不清的; 不可估量的; 不可預料的; ()不可靠的; (心情等)難捉摸的

1.          Very great or numerous.

2.          (mathematics) Impossible to calculate.

Ex: The consequences of a nuclear war are incalculable.

Skulk KK [skʌlk] (v.)躲藏; 潛伏

1.          To conceal oneself; to hide

Ex: Dogs were skulking in the alleys.

Soothsayer KK [ˋsuθ͵seɚ] (n.) 預言者; 占卜者; 算命者

1.          A person who predicts the future by magical, intuitive, or more rational means

Stockpile KK [ˋstɑk͵paɪl]  (n.)儲備物資; 逐步積累的東西; (礦石, 煤炭等的)料堆; (v.)儲備, 貯存; 積累

1.          (n.)A supply of something kept safe for future use

2.          (v.)To accumulate a stockpile

Ex: She stockpiled chocolate bars in her car.

Bronze KK [brɑnz] (n.)青銅; 青銅製品; 青銅藝術品; 青銅色, 古銅色; (v.)鍍青銅於; 上青銅色於; 變成青銅色; 被曬黑; (adj.)青銅製的; 青銅色的

1.          (n.)A natural or man-made alloy of copper, usually of tin, but also with one or more other metals. A reddish-brown colour, the colour of bronze.

2.          (v.)To plate with bronze. To color bronze.

3.          (adj.)Made of bronze. Having a reddish-brown color. Purification

Encampment KK [ɪnˋkæmpmənt] (n.) 紮營; 營地

1.          A campsite.

2.          A group of temporary living quarters and/or other temporary structures.

Ex: Many people are living in encampments around the city with no electricity or running water.

Stern KK [stɝn]  (n.)船尾; (adj.) 嚴格的嚴厲的嚴峻的苛刻的堅定的不動搖的

1.          (n.)The rear part or after end of a ship or vessel.

2.          (adj.)Grim, has hardness or severity of nature or manner

Ex: Stern punishment may produce better behavior, but I doubt it.

Palmetto KK [pælˋmɛto]  (n.)【植】美洲蒲葵巴爾麥棕櫚

1.          (n.)(botany) Two closely related genera of New World palms, of the family Arecaceae; (a) Serenoa repens or the saw palmetto is the only species of its genus; it has certain medicinal uses; (b) Sabul, represented by about 15 species, some known commonly as palmettos, others as fan palms.

Siphon KK [ˋsaɪfən] (n.)虹吸管【動】虹管水管虹吸瓶蘇打水瓶 (v.)用虹吸管吸出(或輸送); 抽取分出

(n.) 1. A bent pipe or tube with one end lower than the other, used to move liquid from one reservoir to another. A soda siphon

2. (biology) a tubelike organ found in animals or elongated cell found in plants.

(v.) 3. To use a siphon for moving a liquid.

Nectar KK [ˋnɛktɚ] (n.)【植】花蜜【希神】【羅神】神酒瓊漿玉液甘露

1.          (botany) The sweet liquid secreted by flowers to attract pollinating insects and birds.

2.          (mythology) The drink of the gods.

3.          (context, by extension) A delicious drink.

4.          A fruit juice based drink, made from fruit juice, water and sweetener.

Ex: The bee turns nectar into honey.

Counselor KK [ˋkaʊns!ɚ] (n.) 顧問參事; (協助學生解決問題的)指導老師律師; (兒童夏令營)管理員

1.          A professional who counsels people, especially on personal problems.

2.          A licensed and professionally trained counselor

3.          (education) A school counselor, often in a specialty such as careers, education, or health

Ex: My brother was a camp counselor.

Scepter KK[ˋsɛptɚ] (n.) (象徵君權的)權杖節杖

1.          An ornamental staff held by a ruling monarch as a symbol of power.

Inasmuch KK [ɪnəzˋmʌtʃ] (ad.) 因為由於鑑於...的限度內...範圍內

1.          U1sed to show why or in what limited way the other part of the sentence is true

Prance KK [præns] (v.) ()騰躍; ()躍馬前進昂首闊步神氣活現地走雀躍歡快地行走

1.          To walk or dance in an energetic way, with high, kicking steps

Ex: In the square dance, each couple took turns prancing together under the linked arms of the other couples.

Comrade KK [ˋkɑmræd] (n.) 夥伴同事; (共產黨的)同志南非年輕黑人激進派的成員

1.          A mate, companion, or associate.

2.          A companion in battle, fellow-soldier.

3.          A fellow socialist or Communist.

Ex: After 20 years he reunited with comrades from his army unit.


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