Bridal KK [ˋbraɪd!] (adj.) 新娘的;婚禮的; (n.) 婚禮; 結婚喜筵
1. a marriage festival or ceremony
2. of or relating to a bride or a wedding
3. intended for a newly married couple
Recoil KK [rɪˋkɔɪl] (v.) 彈回, 跳回; 產生反作用; 退卻; 畏縮, 退縮
KK [ˋri͵kɔɪl] (n.) 彈回, 跳回; 後退, 畏縮
(v.)1. To fall back under pressure; to shrink back physically or emotionally
2.To spring back to or as if to a starting point
(n.)3. The act or action of recoiling; especially: the kickback of a gun upon firing
Unbridle KK [ʌnˋbraɪd!d] (adj) (馬)無轡頭的
1. To free or loose from a bridle; broadly : to set loose : free from restraint
Intrigue KK [ɪnˋtrig] (n.) 陰謀策劃; 陰謀, 詭計; 密謀; 私通;(v.) 耍陰謀, 施詭計; 激起...的好奇心(或興趣);私通
(n.)1. A secret scheme; the practice of engaging in secret schemes
2. A clandestine love affair
(v.)3. To conceive or carry out a secret plan intended to harm; to form a plot or scheme.
4. To arouse the interest of; to fascinate.
5. To have clandestine or illicit intercourse.
Gorgeous KK [ˋgɔrdʒəs] (adj.) 燦爛的, 華麗的, 豪華的; 令人十分愉快的, 極好的
1. (context, of a person or place) very beautiful
Ex: The children had a gorgeous time in the amusement park.
Ultimatum KK [͵ʌltəˋmetəm] (n.) 最後通牒; 最後結論; 基本原理
1. A final statement of terms or conditions made by one party to another, especially one that expresses a threat of reprisal or war
Dumbstruck KK [ˋdʌm͵strʌk] (adj.) 震驚得說不出話的, 驚呆的
1. So shocked as to be unable to speak
Distraught KK [dɪˋstrɔt] (adj.) 心煩意亂的; 極煩惱的; 幾乎要發狂的
1. Deeply hurt, saddened, or worried; distressed.
Ex: She was distraught with worry.
Mastermind KK [ˋmæstɚmaɪnd] (n.) 才華橫溢的人; 智囊; 策劃者; (v.) 策劃; 幕後操縱
(n.)1. A person responsible for the highest level of planning and execution of a major operation.
Ex: The mastermind behind the scheme was executed after a brief trial.
(v.)2. To act in the role of mastermind.
Ex: The generals masterminded the coup.
Merciless KK [ˋmɝsɪlɪs] (adj.) 無情的; 殘酷的; 毫無慈悲心的
1. Showing no mercy; cruel and pitiless
Pernicious KK [pɚˋnɪʃəs] (adj.) 有害的, 有毒的; 惡性的, 致命的; 壞的, 邪惡的
1. Pernicious Causing death or injury; deadly.
2. Causing much harm in a subtle way.
Ex: Smoking is a pernicious habit.
Cutthroat KK [ˋkʌt͵θrot] (n.) 殺手; 惡漢; (adj.) 殺人的; 拼命的; 劇烈的
(n.)1. A murderer who slits the throats of his victims.
2. An unscrupulous, ruthless or unethical person.
(a.) 3. Involving the cutting of throats
4. Of or relating to a card game where ever man plays for himself rather than playing with a partner.
Snugly KK [ˋsnʌglɪ] (adv.) 緊貼地, 貼身地; 暖和舒適地, 安適地
1. Tightly, with limited space to move, in a snug manner.
Ex: Jamie was snugly wrapped in a white woolen scarf.
Loiter KK [ˋlɔɪtɚ] (v.) 閒逛, 遊蕩; 消磨(時間), 混(日子)
1. To stand about without any aim or purpose; to stand about idly; to linger; to hang around.
Ex: We must not loiter or we will be late for school.
Libation KK [laɪˋbeʃən] (n.) 奠酒
1. An amount of alcoholic drink poured out or drunk in honour of a god or a dead relation
Skewer KK [skjuɚ] (n.) 烤肉叉子; 針; 串; (v.) 用扦(或針)串起
(n.)1. A long pin, normally of metal or wood, used to secure food during cooking.
(v.)2. To impale on a skewer.
Charioteer KK [tʃærɪəˋtɪr] (n.) 戰車的駕馭者
1. A person who drives a chariot.
Contrive KK [kənˋtraɪv] (v.) 發明; 設計; 策劃, 圖謀; 設法做到, 以計謀達成
1. To form by an exercise of ingenuity; to devise; to invent; to design; to plan.
2. To make devices; to form designs; to plan; to scheme; to plot.
Harangue KK [həˋræŋ] (n.) 高談闊論, 熱烈的演說; (v.) (向...)滔滔不絕地演講
(n.)1. An impassioned, disputatious public speech.
2. A tirade or rant, whether spoken or written.
Ex: The minister of propaganda delivered his usual harangue.
(v.)3. To give a forceful and lengthy lecture or criticism to someone.
Ex: He harangued his fellow students and persuaded them to walk out.
Barrow KK [ˋbæro] (n.) (泥土或石塊堆成的)墳; 古墳
1. A mound of earth and stones raised over a grave or graves.
Treacherous KK [ˋtrɛtʃərəs] (adj.) 背叛的; 不忠的; 奸詐的; 不牢靠的; 危險的; 變化莫測的
1. Exhibiting treachery.
2. Deceitful; inclined to betray.
3. Unreliable; dangerous.
Ex: He was cruel, treacherous and unscrupulous.
Maroon KK [məˋrun] (n.) 逃亡黑奴; 被放逐到孤島的人; 孤立無援的人; (v.) 把...放逐到無人島上; 使孤立無援;
(n.) 1. An escaped negro slave of the Caribbean and the Americas or a descendant of escaped slaves.
2. A castaway; a person who has been marooned.
(v.)3. To abandon in a remote, desolate place, as on a deserted island.
Scud KK [skʌd] (n.) 飛奔, 疾行; 飄飛的霧(或雨、雪等); 【俚】飛毛腿;(v.) 飛奔; 疾行; 掠過; (船)順風行駛
(n.)1. The act of scudding.
2. Clouds or rain driven by the wind.
3. A gust of wind.
4. A scab on a wound.
5. Naked; pornography.
(v.)6. To race along swiftly (especially used of clouds).
7. To run before a high wind with no sails set.
8. To hit; To speed; To skim.
Ex: Clouds scudded across the sky driven by high winds.
Sumptuous KK [ˋsʌmptʃʊəs] (adj.) 奢侈的; 豪華的; 昂貴的
1. Magnificent and splendid, suggesting abundance and great expense, and having a flavor of debauchery
Ex: We were ushered into a sumptuous dining hall.
Dazzle KK [ˋdæz!] (v.) 使目眩, 使眼花; 使昏昏然, 使迷惑; 使驚羨, 使讚歎不已
1. To confuse the sight of by means of excessive brightness.
2. To render incapable of thinking clearly; to overwhelm with showiness or brilliance.
Ex: The bright morning sun dazzled him.