AnecdoteKK [ˋænɪk͵dot] (n.) 軼事, 趣聞
1. A previously untold, secret account of an incident.
Ex: She told us anecdotes about the hospital and the patients.
AssertionKK [əˋsɝʃən] (n.) 斷言, 言明; (權利等的)主張, 維護; (意見等的)堅持
1. The act of asserting, or that which is asserted; positive declaration or averment; affirmation; statement asserted; position advanced.
2. Maintenance; vindication; as, the assertion of one's rights or prerogatives.
Ex: We do not believe his assertion that he is innocent.
DetentionKK [dɪˋtɛnʃən] (n.) 滯留; 延遲
1. The act of detaining or the state of being detained.
2. A temporary state of custody or confinement, especially of a prisoner awaiting trial, or of a student being punished.
ComponentKK [kəmˋponənt] (n.) (機器、設備等的)構成要素; 零件; 成分; (adj.) 組成的; 構成的
1. (n.) A smaller, self-contained part of a larger entity. Often refers to a manufactured object that is part of a larger device.
2. Making up a larger whole; as a component word.
Ex: A computer consists of thousands of components.
PragmaticKK [prægˋmætɪk] (adj.) 務實的; 實幹的; 實用主義的
1. Practical, concerned with making decisions and actions that are useful in practice, not just theory
Ex: He made a pragmatic decision to settle the lawsuit because in the end it would cost more to try it in court.
AmbiguousKK [æmˋbɪgjʊəs] (adj.) 含糊不清的; 引起歧義的
1. Open to multiple interpretations
2. Vague and unclear
Ex: The movie’s ending is ambiguous.
ScarcityKK [ˋskɛrsətɪ] (n.) 缺乏, 不足; 匱乏; 蕭條(時期); 荒(年); 稀少, 罕見
1. the condition of something being scarce or deficient
2. an inadequate amount of something; a shortage
Ex: The scarcity of fruit was caused by the drought.
NegligentKK [ˋnɛglɪdʒənt] (adj..) 疏忽的; 粗心的; 隨便的, 不在意的
1. Careless, without appropriate or sufficent attention.
2. (context, law) Culpable due to negligence.
ReciteKK [riˋsaɪt] (v.) 背誦; 朗誦, 當眾吟誦; 敘述; 詳述; 歷數, 列舉
1. To repeat aloud some passage, poem or other text previously memorized, often before an audience
2. To list or enumerate something
3. To deliver a recitation
Ex: My little daughter likes reciting poetry in public.
ProvincialKK [prəˋvɪnʃəl] (n.) 地方居民; 外省人; 鄉下人; (adj.) 外省的, 外地的; 鄉氣的, 粗野的; 地方性的; 偏狹的
1. A person belonging to a province; one who is provincial.
2. A country bumpkin.
3. Exhibiting the ways or manners of a characteristic of the inhabitants of a province.
4. Not cosmopolitan; countrified; not polished; rude; hence, narrow; illiberal.
Ex: In that well-educated company I felt uncomfortably provincial
NegotiateKK [nɪˋgoʃɪ͵et] (v.) 談判, 協商, 洽談; 順利通過, 成功地越過
1. discuss the terms of an arrangement
2. succeed in passing through, around, or over
Ex: The government will not negotiate with the terrorists.
ProvocationKK [͵prɑvəˋkeʃən] (n.) 挑釁; 挑撥; 激怒
1. The act of provoke, provoking, inciting or annoying someone into doing something
Ex: They did not react to this provocation.
LethalKK [ˋliθəl] (adj.) 致命的; 危險的; 毀滅性的
1. (n.) One of the higher alcohols of the paraffine series obtained from spermaceti as a white crystalline solid.
2. (a.) deadly; mortal; fatal
Ex: Don't touch the bottle. It contains lethal chemicals.
ArrogantlyKK [ˋærəgəntlɪ] (adv.) 傲慢地; 自大地
1. In an arrogant manner; with undue pride or self-importance.
Ex: He insisted arrogantly.
PresentableKK [prɪˋzɛntəb!] (adj.) 可見人的; 漂亮的; 可提出的; 可上演的
1. in good enough shape that someone or something can be shown to other people, tidy, attractive
Ex: You need to look presentable for the interview.
ReducibleKK [rɪˋdjusəb!] (adj.) 可減少的; 可降低的; 可縮小的
1. Able to lessen in any way, as in size, weight, amount, value, price, etc.; diminish
2. Able to put into a simpler or more concentrated form
SpleenKK [splin] (n.) 脾臟
1. In vertebrates, including humans, a ductless vascular gland, located in the left upper abdomen near the stomach, which destroys old red blood cells, removes debris from the bloodstream, acts as a reservoir of blood, and produces lymphocytes.
SeductiveKK [sɪˋdʌktɪv] (adj.) 誘惑的; 引人注意的; 有魅力的
1. Attractive, alluring, tempting.
Ex: Their marketing campaign was slick and seductive.
SplendidKK [ˋsplɛndɪd] (adj.) 有光彩的; 燦爛的; 壯麗的; 輝煌的; 顯著的; 傑出的
1. Possessing or displaying splendor; shining; very bright; as, a splendid sun.
2. Showy; magnificent; sumptuous; pompous; as, a splendid palace; a splendid procession or pageant.
3. Illustrious; heroic; brilliant; celebrated; famous; as, a splendid victory or reputation.
Ex: The king was wearing a splendid golden crown.
DodgeKK [dɑdʒ] (n.) 躲閃; 託詞, (推託的)妙計; (v.) 躲避, 巧妙地迴避
1. a surname, typically found in the United States
2. a brand of motor vehicle
3. To avoid by moving out of the way (often suddenly)
Ex: Those were the dodges he used to escape taxation.
AffirmativelyKK [əˋfɝməˋtɪvlɪ] (adv.) 肯定地; 斷然地
1. In an affirming manner.
2. saying that something stated is true; answering “yes”
Ex: She answered affirmatively.
MultipleKK [ˋmʌltəp!] (adj.) 由許多部分組成的, 複合的; 多樣的; (n.) 倍數; 並聯; 多路系統
1. (n.)A number that may be divided by another number with no remainder
2. (a.)Having more than one element, part, component or function
DocilityKK [doˋsɪlətɪ] (n.) 順從; 馴服
1. the trait of being agreeably submissive and manageable.
DespondencyKK [dɪˋspɑndənsɪ] (n.) 沮喪, 失去勇氣, 意氣消沈
1. The loss of hope or confidence; despair or dejection.
2. A feeling of depression or disheartenment.
Ex: A mood of despondency had set in.