Oblige (v.)

1.  to force or make it expected for someone to do something

Ex: Circumstances obliged him to leave town.

Slump (v.)

1.  to fall heavily and suddenly

Ex: She slumped to the floor in a faint.

Perplexity (n.)

1.  a state of confusion or a complicated and difficult situation or thing

Ex: She stared at the instruction booklet in complete perplexity.

Prestige (n.)

1.  respect and admiration given to someone or something, usually because of a reputation for high quality, success, or social influence

Ex: No one would go into this sort of work for the prestige.

Genuine (adj.)

1.  being what something or someone appears or claims to be; real, not false

Ex: She showed genuine sorrow at the news.


1.  a fact or statement that is the opposite of what someone has said or that is so different from another fact or statement that one of them must be wrong

Ex: In the first place, the bible is contradictory in many places and it requires some clever babbling to reconcile the contradictions.

Paradox (n.)

1.  a statement or situation that may be true but seems impossible or difficult to understand because it contains two opposite facts or characteristics

Ex: It’s a strange paradox that people who say you shouldn’t criticize the government criticize it as soon as they disagree with it.

Interpretation (n.)

1.  an explanation or opinion of what something means

2.  An interpretation by actors or musicians is the expression by their performance of their understanding of the part or parts they are playing

Ex: We had different interpretations of the survey results.

Mournful (adj.)

1.  An expression of sadness and sorrow

2.  filled with grief or sadness; being in a state in which one mourns

Ex: We heard the mournful cry of a wolf.

Vandalize (v.)

1.  to destroy or damage (public or private property) maliciously

Ex: The teenager was accused of vandalizing cars.

Assimilate (v.)

1.  to take in and make a part of your basic knowledge something learned from others, so that you can use it as your own

2.  People who are or become assimilated in a society become similar to others by learning and using the customs and culture of the new society

Ex: We hoped the students would assimilate the information contained in the lecture.

Doctrine (n.)

1.  a belief, theory, or set of beliefs, esp. political or religious, taught and accepted by a particular group

Ex: Does not the five wounds of his blessed body preach this doctrine to love him?

Infuriating (adj.)

1.  causing anger and annoyance

Ex: It’s infuriating to be kept waiting this long!

Satirize (v.)

1.  to attack, ridicule, or criticize with satire

Ex: Garry Trudeau would satirize him in his Doonesbury comic strip.

Monotheistic (adj.)

1.  Believing in a single god, deity, spirit, etc., especially for an organized religion, faith, or creed.

Ex: The three monotheistic religions with the most followers are Christianity, Judaism and Islam.

Rhetoric (adj.)

1.  speech or writing that is effective and persuasive

2.  Rhetoric is also the art of speaking and writing effectively, or the study of this art.

Ex: This authoritarian methodology clearly contradicted the libertarian rhetoric within delouse and guttery’s writings.

Suitor (n.)

1.  a man who wants a particular woman to agree to marry him

2.  A suitor is also a person or company that wants to take control of another company.

Ex: Today, our would-be suitors would almost certainly have met online.

Hothead (n.)

1.  Someone who gets angry too quickly and reacts without thinking carefully first

Ex: He is a hothead, so no one could stay with him for a long time.

Condense (v.)

1.  to make a text shorter by using fewer words to express the same idea

Ex: Do not condense or stretch lines of type or, worse, single words, to fit your line length.

Fidelity (n.)

1.  the state of remaining loyal to someone and keeping the promises you made to that person

Ex: Mandarin ducks form a strong attachment to their partners, hence, they are also an emblem of conjugal fidelity.

Grievance (n.)

1.  A complaint or a strong feeling that you have been treated unfairly

Ex: A special committee investigates prisoners’ grievances.

Ingredient (n.)

1.  one of the parts in a mixture

Ex: Simply combine the marinade ingredients and then let this spicy mix do all the hard work.

Noxious (adj.)

1.  (esp. of a gas) poisonous or harmful

Ex: A nociceptor is a receptor which is preferentially sensitive to noxious stimulus or a noxious stimulus that would become noxious if prolonged.

Omniscient (adj.)

1.  having or seeming to have unlimited knowledge

Ex: They give the impression that the magazine is omniscient.

Ubiquitous (adj.)

1.  found or existing everywhere

Ex: The eel grass limpet used to be ubiquitous on the New England coast.


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