
1)Deft /ˈdeft/ (adj.)

1. skillful and clever

2. able to do something quickly and accurately


The photographer is known for her deft use of lighting.



2)Integral /ˈin-ti-grəl (usually so in mathematics); in-ˈte-grəl also -ˈtē- also ÷ˈin-trə-gəl/ (adj.)

1. very important and necessary


She had become an integral part of their lives.



3)Demographic /ˌde-mə-ˈgra-fik, ˌdē-mə-/ (adj.)

1. of or relating to the study of changes that occur in large groups of people over a period of time : of or relating to demography


The demographic information shows that the population increased but the average income went down.



4)Scorch /ˈskrch/ (v.)

transitive verb burn a surface of so as to change its color and texture


a :  to dry or shrivel with or as if with intense heat :  parch

b :  to afflict painfully with censure or sarcasm

3.devastate; especially :  to destroy (as property of possible use to an advancing enemy) before abandoning —used in the phrase scorched earth

intransitive verb become scorched travel at great and usually excessive speed cause intense heat or mental anguish <scorching sun> <scorching fury>


Do not burn, scorch or ignite the adjoining pavement when using a hot air lance.



5)Stillborn /-ˈbrn/ (adj.)

1. never able to begin operating or proceeding


Yet even legally stillborn initiatives can spawn interesting policy debates.



6)Boom /ˈbüm/ (v.)

1. to make a deep and loud sound

2. to say (something) in a deep and loud voiceof a business or industry : to grow or expand suddenly


His voice boomed out across the congregation.



7)Fanfare /ˈfan-ˌfer/  (n.)

1. a lot of talk or activity showing that people are excited about something

2. a short piece of music played loudly with trumpets especially to announce that someone is arriving


The new jet was introduced with great fanfare.



8)Venture /ˈven(t)-shər/  (v.)

1. to go somewhere that is unknown, dangerous, etc.

2. to start to do something new or different that usually involves risk

3. to do, say, or offer something (such as a guess or an opinion) even though you are not sure about it


We ventured out into the woods.



9)Drove /ˈdrōv/ (n.)

1. a large group of people or animals that move or act together


People flocked to the annual festival in droves



10)Sensory /ˈsen(t)s-rē, ˈsen(t)-sə-rē/ (adj.)

1. of or relating to your physical senses


A study was conducted on sensory stimulation and its effects on the brain.



11)Ignite /ig-ˈnīt/ (v.)

1. to set (something) on fire : to cause (something) to burn

2. to begin burning : to catch fire

3. to give life or energy to (someone or something)


The fire was ignited by sparks.



12)Pinnacle /ˈpi-ni-kəl/ (n.)

1. a high mountain top

2. the best or most important part of something : the point of greatest success or achievement

3. a tower on the roof of a building that comes to a narrow point at the top


A singer who has reached the pinnacle of success.



13)Mortgage \ˈmr-gij\ 


1. a conveyance of an interest in property as security for the repayment of money borrowed.

2. the deed by which such a transaction is effected.

3. the rights conferred by it, or the state of the property conveyed.

verb (used with object), mort·gaged, mort·gag·ing.

4. Law. to convey or place (real property) under a mortgage.
5. to place under advance obligation; pledge: to mortgage one's life to the defense of democracy.
He will have to take out a mortgage in order to buy the house.



14)Clan /ˈklan/  (n.)

1. a large group of people who are related

2. a large family

3. a group of people who are similar or who are interested in the same thing


The tribe is divided into clans.



15)Landmark \-ˌmärk\ (n.) object or structure on land that is easy to see and recognize

2.a building or place that was important in history

3.a very important event or achievement


The moon landing is a landmark in space exploration.



16)Thrive \ˈthrīv\ ( intransitive verb) grow or develop successfully : to flourish or succeed


These plants thrive with relatively little sunlight.



17)Innovation  \ˌi-nə-ˈvā-shən\ (n.)

1.a new idea, device, or method

2.the act or process of introducing new ideas, devices, or methods

She is responsible for many innovations in her field.



18)Relish \ˈre-lish\  (n.)

1.a seasoned sauce that is used to add flavor to other foods and that is made of chopped fruit or vegetables; especially : such a sauce made from pickles

2.enjoyment of or delight in something

3.a feeling of liking something


I like to eat hot dogs with mustard and relish.


19)Staple \ˈstā-pəl\  (n.)

1.used, needed, or enjoyed constantly usually by many individuals

2.produced regularly or in large quantities <staple crops such as wheat and rice>
3. principal, chief
That's a staple plot in mystery novels.
20)Disastrous \di-ˈzas-trəs also -ˈsas-\  (adj.)

1.causing great suffering or loss

2.very bad or unfortunate


The bad weather could have a disastrous effect on the area's tourism industry.


21)Legendary  \ˈle-jən-ˌder-ē, -ˌde-rē\  (adj.)

1.told about in a legend

2.very famous or well-known


He is the most legendary football player of his time.


22)Compel \kəm-ˈpel\  (transitive verb ) force (someone) to do something make (something) happen : to force (something)

Illness compelled him to stay in bed.


23)Admission \əd-ˈmi-shən, ad-\  (n.)

1.the act of admitting or allowing something

2.a statement or action by which someone admits a weakness, fault, etc.

3.the right or permission to enter a place

His statement was interpreted as an admission of failure.


24)Haunt  \ˈhnt, ˈhänt\  (v.)

of a ghost : to visit or live in (a place) eventually cause problems for (someone) as time passes keep coming back to the mind of (someone) especially in a way that makes the person sad or upset

Some people believe that the ghost of an old sea captain haunts the beach.


25)Wit \ˈwit\  (n.) ability to say or write things that are clever and usually funny

2.a person who is known for making clever and funny remarks

wits : the ability to think or reason

The book is a collection of his wit and wisdom.


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