1. Italy St Mark's Square


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1)Instructor  \in-ˈstrək-tər\ (n.)

1.a person who teaches a subject or skill : someone who instructs people

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Oblige (v.)

1.  to force or make it expected for someone to do something

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omen :bad sign

 An omen (also called portent or presage) is a phenomenon that is believed to foretell the future, often signifying the advent of change. Though the word "omen" is usually devoid of reference to the change's nature, hence being possibly either "good" or "bad," the term is more often used in a foreboding sense, as with the word "ominous".

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1. Aeschylus

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refrain (n.) /rɪˈfreɪn/

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1)Puff \ˈpəf\ (v.)

1.to breathe smoke from a cigarette, pipe, etc., in and out of the lungs

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1. It's the most wonderful time of the year ( Christmas song )


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Realm (n.)

1.  A kingdom (now mainly in Law); a territory or state, as ruled by a specific power.

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mal- :bad

e.g., malicious :full of, characterized by, or showing malice; malevolent

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