1. subcontract  (v.)  KK[sʌbˋkɑntrækt]

if a company subcontracts work, they pay other people to do part of their work for them

The electrical work has been subcontracted to Smith Ltd.

Synonyms: hire, engage, employ 



2. seniority  (n.)  KK[sinˋjɔrətɪ]  
the situation of being older or higher in rank than someone else
Greatest in age or seniority. 


 3. anticipate  (v.)  KK[ænˋtɪsə͵pet]


to expect that something will happen and be ready for it

It is impossible to anticipate when it will happen.

Synonyms: expect, await, foresee, hope for



4. fluctuation  (n.)  KK[͵flʌktʃʊˋeʃən]


sudden changes in something such as the price, amount, or level of something

fluctuations in policy


5. counteract  (v.)  KK[͵kaʊntɚˋækt]


to reduce or prevent the bad effect of something, by doing something that has the opposite effect

This drug will counteract the effects of poison.

Synonyms: offset, balance, neutralize  


6. speculation  (n.)  KK[͵spɛkjəˋleʃən]


the act of guessing without knowing all the facts about something, or the guesses that you make

There has been a great deal of speculation about the Prime Minister's resignation.

Synonyms: thinking, thought, reflection, meditation, contemplation



7. capacity  (n.)  KK[kəˋpæsətɪ]


the amount of space a container, room etc has to hold things or people

The theater has a seating capacity of 800.

Synonyms: size, volume, content


8. flexibility  (n.)  KK[͵flɛksəˋbɪlətɪ]


the ability to change or be changed easily to suit a different situation

We appreciate your flexibility in dealing with this matter.



9. norm  (n.)  KK[nɔrm]


the usual or normal situation, way of doing something etc



10. endowment  (n.)  KK[ɪnˋdaʊmənt]


a sum of money that is given to a place such as a college or hospital to give it an income, or the giving of this money

That university has numerous endowments.



11. amendment  (n.)   KK[əˈmend•mənt] 


a change or addition to the US constitution

the First/Fifth/Fourteenth amendment



12. legislative (adj.)  KK[ˈledʒ•əsˌleɪ•t̬ɪv]


relating to the making of laws

Congress is the legislative branch of government.



13. executive  (n.)  KK[ɪgˈzek•jə•t̬ɪv] 


someone in a high position, esp. in business, who makes decisions and acts according to them

a chief executive

Synonyms: directing, managing, administrative



14. judiciary  (n.)  KK[dʒʊˈdɪʃ•iˌer•i]

the part of a country’s government that is responsible for its legal system and that consists of all the judges in its courts of law



15. ratify  (v.)  KK[ˈræt̬•əˌfɑɪ] 


to agree in writing to a set of rules, or to officially approve a decision or plan

Four countries have now ratified the agreement.



16. veto  (n.)  KK[ˈvi•t̬oʊ]


the power to refuse to allow something to be done, or such a refusal

The president has promised a veto if Congress passes that bill.



17. eminent  (adj.)  KK[ˈem•ə•nənt] 


famous and important

The commission consisted of fifteen eminent political figures.



18. laissez-faire  (n.)  KK[ˌles•eɪˈfeər] 


an economic theory or plan in which a government does not have many laws or rules to control the buying and selling of goods and services



19. boycott   (v.)  KK[ˈbɔɪ•kɑt] 


to refuse to buy a product or take part in an activity as a way of expressing strong disapproval

The union called on its members to boycott the meeting.


20. filibuster  (n.)  KK[ˈfɪl•əˌbʌs•tər]


(in a legislature) a way of preventing a law from being passed by using the rules or making long speeches to delay voting on it


21. senator  (n.)  KK[ˈsen•ə•t̬ər]


a member of a senate, esp. of the US Senate

Write to your senator about your concerns.


22. controversial  (adj.)  KK[ˌkɑn•trəˈvɜr•ʃəl] 


causing or likely to cause disagreement

a controversial theory/movie



23. impeachment  (n.)  KK/ɪmˈpitʃ•mənt/ 


to formally accuse a public official of a serious crime in connection with their job

The federal judge faces impeachment. 



24. federal  (adj.)  KK[ˈfed•ər•əl]


of or connected with the central government of some countries

Federal law regulates trade with other countries.


25.  appropriation  (n.)   KK[əˌproʊ•priˈeɪ•ʃən]


an amount of money kept separate to use for a particular purpose, esp. by a government

The city council approved an appropriation of $10,000 to plant trees.


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