
tripartite (a.) KK [traɪˋpɑrtaɪt]
involving three countries or organizations ; consisting of three parts.
Promote tripartite partnership corporate social responsibilities.


feudal(a.)KK [fjuˋdæləti]
relating to or characteristic of feudalism
The system of feudal chinese prime ministers in china ' s ancient history.



irrigate (v.)KK [ˋɪrə͵get]
supply with water, as with channels or ditches or streams
The fields are irrigated so that the crops can grow.



pharaoh (n.)KK [ˋfɛro]
the title of the ancient Egypt kings
They got trapped inside the pharaoh ' s tomb. 



redress (n.) /rɪˈdres/
Something that you do for someone or money that you give to them as a way of improving a bad situation that you are responsible for.
Because she finds no redress for her wring. 



falter (v.) /'fɔltɚ/
to become weaker or less effective
The economy is showing signs of faltering.



welter (n.)/ˈweltər/
a messy collection of different things;a welterweight.
The earth then was welter. 



swarm (v.)/swɔrm/.
to go somewhere as part of a large crowd;if insects swarm, they fly together in a large group.
Let the waters swarm with the swarm of living creatures.



fowl (n) /faʊl/
a bird that is kept on a farm for its eggs and meat, for example a chicken or a duck;an old word for “bird”.
SE Asian jungle fowl considered ancestral to domestic fowl .



skim (v.)/skɪm/
to move quickly over the surface of something, or to make something do this.
The hovercraft is able to skim over the water. 



enmity (n.)/ˈenməti/
A feeling of strong dislike or opposition between people.
Enmity will I set between you and the woman.



herder (n.) /ˈhɜrdər/
Someone who herds and takes care of a group of animals as their job.
Abel became a herder of sheep. 



tiller (n.)/ˈtɪlər/
A long handle at the back of a boat that is used for controlling the direction that the boat moves in.
Cain was a tiller of the soil.



thistle (n.)/ˈθɪs(ə)l/
A wild plant with a thick round purple or white flower and leaves with sharp points.
Thorn and thistle shall it sprout for you. 



solicitude (n.)[səˋlɪsə͵tjud]
care and concern for someone's health, safety etc
She was grateful to him for his solicitude.



prerogative (n.) /prɪˈrɑɡətɪv/
A right that a particular person or group has.
He is not only jealously guarding male prerogatives.



to order someone to come to a place
The smell summoned up memories of family holidays by the sea.



revere (v.)/rɪˈvɪr/
To have a lot of respect and admiration for someone or something.
Antigone speaks for religious values that the Athenians revered.



inaugural (adj.)/ɪˈnɔɡjərəl/
an inaugural speech is one made by someone to celebrate the start of an important new job.
This inaugural address of Creon repeats many concepts.



antagonism (n.) /ænˈtæɡəˌnɪzəm/
a strong feeling of disliking someone, usually a feeling that has existed for a long time.
There was an ancient antagonism. 



prerogative (n.) /prɪˈrɑɡətɪv/
A right that a particular person or group has.
He is not only jealously guarding male prerogatives.



swagger (v.)[ˋswægɚ]
to walk proudly, swinging your shoulders in a way that shows you are very confident - used to show disapproval:
He swaggered over towards me.



torment (n.)[ˋtɔr͵mɛnt]
severe mental or physical suffering
She lay awake all night in torment.



ode (n.)/oʊd/
A poem written for or about a particular person, thing, or event.
An ode with several stanzas.



retributive (adj.)[rɪˈtrɪbjətɪv]
Of, relating to, or marked by retribution.
Compared to the retributive justice, restorative justice is a criminal treatment


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