
Impart (v.)

1.  To give a feeling or quality to something, or to make information known to someone

Ex: If the movie has any lesson to impart, it’s that parents shouldn’t aim for perfection.

Impasse (n.)

1.  A point in a process at which further progress is blocked, esp. by disagreement

Ex: We have reached an impasse in the negotiations -- neither side will budge.

Loquacious (adj.)

1.  having the habit of talking a lot

Ex: She becomes very loquacious during meeting.

Lurk (v.)

1.  To stay around a place secretly, or to stay hidden, waiting to attack or appear

Ex: When I was four, I was convinced there was a monster lurking in my closet.

Perennial (adj.)

1.  lasting a long time, or happening repeatedly or all the time

Ex: Each year, the nation’s marketers try to answer the perennial question, what do consumers really want?

Ramble (v.)

1.  To walk for pleasure, esp. in the countryside

Ex: I love to ramble through the woods.

Sketch (n.)

1.  a simple, quickly made drawing

Ex: She hands over the letters to the women with a thumbnail sketch of the contents of each one.

Abhorrence (adj.)

1.  to hate something or someone

Ex: His opponent abhors the death penalty.

Bossy (adj.)

1.  The person who is in charge of an organization or a department and who tells others what to do

Ex: I’ll ask my boss if I can take the afternoon off.

Jeopardize (v.)

1.  To cause something to be harmed or damaged, or to put something in danger

Ex: She knew that failing her exams could jeopardize her whole future.

Lustful (adj.)

1.  filled with or characterized by lust

Ex: He is an angel, though in form he is a man; he is not lustful that I should beguile him with women.

Ornament (n.)

1.  an object that is decorative rather than useful

Ex: They spent decades collecting these colorful, Victorian-era ornaments.

Phony (adj.)

1.  represented as real but actually false; intended to deceive

Ex: They were accused of submitting phony claims to insurers, including Medicare.

Redeem (v.)

1.  To improve yourself, or to take action to improve the way other people think of you or something you have done

Ex: After his poor performance in the golf tournament two weeks before, he was determined to redeem himself by playing well.

Shrill (adj.)

1.  Not pleasant to hear; loud and high

Ex: They will also have to take great pains not to sound shrill.

Layman (n.)

1.  A person who is not trained in or does not have a detailed knowledge of a particular subject

2.  A layman or layperson is also a member of a religion who is not a member of the clergy.

Ex: The book is supposed to be the layman’s guide to home repair.

Preach (v.)

1.  to give a religious speech

Ex: The minister preached a sermon on the need for forgiveness.

Genial (adj.)

1.  friendly and pleasant

Ex: Our neighbor has a genial personality.

Gruff (adj.)

1.  Dealing with people in a way that lacks patience and seems unfriendly

2.  If a person’s voice is gruff, it sounds low and slightly damaged.

Ex: He has that gruff exterior, but underneath he’s very kind.

Shack (n.)

1.  a simple, small building

Ex: The family lived in a one-room shack.

Toxic (adj.)

1.  Poisonous, or relating to poisonous substances

Ex: Never cook or boil honey as heating causes honey to become toxic.

Wistful (adj.)

1.  sad and thinking about something that is impossible or past

Ex: She cast a wistful glance at the bridal gowns in the window.

Vacuum (n.)

1.  A space without any gas or other matter in it, or a space from which most of the air or gas has been removed

Ex: Edison knew that he had to create a vacuum inside the lightbulb.

Subsidiary (adj.)

1.  a company that is owned by a larger company

Ex: Public transportation played a subsidiary role.

Oblivion (n.)

1.  The state of being unconscious or lacking awareness of what is happening around you

Ex: Many ancient cities have long since passed into oblivion.


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