
shepherd noun \ˈshe-pərd\, transitive verb


1. a person whose job is to take care of sheep

2. to guide or guard in the manner of a shepherd


1. She carefully shepherded the children across the street.

2. They shepherded the bill through Congress.

sorely adverb \ˈsȯr-lē\


in a sore manner


1. You will be sorely missed. 

2. She provided some sorely needed help.

3. The house is sorely in need of paint.

sake noun \ˈsāk\


1. the good, advantage, or enhancement of some entity 

2. a Japanese alcoholic beverage of fermented rice often served hot

mirth noun \ˈmərth\


gladness or gaiety as shown by or accompanied with laughter 


1. Her clumsy attempt to cut the cake was the cause of much mirth.

2. As charming as your mutual mirth is, could you refrain from nudging each other and giggling during class?

trespass noun \ˈtres-pəs, -ˌpas\, verb \-ˌpas also -pəs\


1. a violation of moral or social ethics

2. to go on someone's land without permission


1. He was arrested for trespass.

2. He told me I was trespassing.

magnitude noun \ˈmag-nə-ˌtüd, -ˌtyüd\


1. the size, extent, or importance of something 

2. a number that shows the brightness of a star

3. a number that shows the power of an earthquake


1. The magnitude of the issue can scarcely be overstated.

2. The mountain's sheer magnitude usually leaves tourists speechless.

embellish transitive verb \im-ˈbe-lish\


1. to make beautiful with ornamentation

2. to heighten the attractiveness of by adding decorative or fanciful details


He embellished his speech with a few quotations.

personage noun \ˈpərs-nij, ˈpər-sə-nij\


1. an important or famous person

2. a human individual


The premiere was attended by no less a personage than the president himself.

constituent noun \-wənt, -ənt\


1. any one of the people who live and vote in an area

2. one of the parts that form something


1. She's pledged to help her elderly constituents.

2. Many senators have received calls from constituents who want them to vote in favor of the law.

wrench verb \ˈrench\, noun


1. to twist and pull with a sudden violent motion

2. to injure (a part of your body) by making a violent twisting motion

3. a tool consisting of a handle with one end designed to hold, twist, or turn an object (such as a bolt or nut)


1. I tried to wrench free from his grip.

2. He wrenched his back when he tried to lift a heavy box.

3. It was a wrench to say goodbye to all my friends.

outrage noun \ˈau̇t-ˌrāj\, transitive verb


1. a strong feeling of unhappiness because of something bad, hurtful, or morally wrong 

2. something that hurts people or is morally wrong


1. Many people expressed outrage at the court's decision.

2. Public outrage over the scandal was great.

3. The rule is an outrage against women.

ordain verb \ȯr-ˈdān\


1. to officially make (someone) a minister, priest, rabbi, etc.

2. to officially establish or order (something)


1. She is an ordained minister.

2. The process was ordained by law.

lustrous adjective \ˈləs-trəs\


reflecting light evenly and efficiently without glitter or sparkle


1. The lustrous finish on the satin bedspread adds to the feeling of luxury.

2. Lustrous silver jewelry adorned her neck.

shudder intransitive verb \ˈshə-dər\, noun


1. of a person : to shake because of fear, cold, etc.

2. of a thing : to shake violently


1. The old car shuddered to a halt.

2. The house shuddered as a plane flew overhead.

3. A shudder ran through him as he stepped outside into the snow.

indignation noun \ˌin-dig-ˈnā-shən\


anger caused by something that is unfair or wrong


1. The decision to close the factory has aroused the indignation of the townspeople.

2. He adopted a tone of moral indignation.

shaft noun \ˈshaft\, transitive verb


1. the long, narrow part of a weapon, tool, instrument, etc.

2. a bar in a machine which holds or turns other parts that move or spin

3. one of two poles between which a horse is tied to pull a vehicle (such as a carriage)

4. to treat (someone) unfairly or harshly


You really got shafted in that deal.

hurl verb \ˈhər(-ə)l\


1. to throw (something) with force

2. to say or shout (something, such as an insult) in a loud and forceful way


1. Someone hurled a rock through the window.

2. He hurled a chair at me.

3. It looked like she was going to hurl herself down the stairs.

barren adjective \ˈber-ən, ˈba-rən\, noun


1. having very few plants : not suitable for plants

2. not producing fruit or not able to produce fruit

3. a tract of barren land


1. Few creatures can thrive on these barren mountaintops.

2. The book was good, but I found the barren lives of the characters depressing.

3. Lived out in the barrens where it was impossible to grow anything.

scud intransitive verb \ˈskəd\, noun


1. to move or go quickly

2. a gust of wind


1. Clouds scudded across the sky.

2. A cold scud sent leaves skittering down from the trees.

reinforce verb \ˌrē-ən-ˈfȯrs\


1. to strengthen (a group of people) with new supplies or more people

2. to encourage or give support to (an idea, behavior, feeling, etc.)


1. The captain sent out another squad to reinforce the troops.

2. Our camp is reinforced with supplies flown in by helicopter.

3. The levees will need to be reinforced.

fume noun \ˈfyüm\, verb


1. smoke or gas that smells unpleasant

2. to show or feel anger

3. to say (something) in an angry way


1. She's still fuming about not being invited to the party.

2. We sat there waiting for him, fuming with anger at the delay.

3. The volcano was fuming thick black smoke.

vaulting noun \-tiŋ\, adjective


rising or reaching very high

raft noun \ˈraft\, verb


1. a collection of logs or timber fastened together for conveyance by water

2. an aggregation of animals (as waterfowl) resting on the water

3. a floating cohesive mass

buoy noun \ˈbü-ē, ˈbȯi\, verb


1. an object that floats on water in a lake, bay, river, etc., to show areas that are safe or dangerous for boats

2. to cause (someone) to feel happy or confident

3. to lift or improve (something)

intrigue noun \ˈin-ˌtrēg, in-ˈ\, verb \in-ˈtrēg\


1. the activity of making secret plans

2. to get, make, or accomplish by secret scheming


1. Evidence that the leading manufacturers had intrigued to keep prices artificially high.

2. The mystery story intrigued me so that I read it in one sitting.


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