1)Oblige \ə-ˈblīj\ (v.)
transitive verb
1. to constrain by physical, moral, or legal force or by the exigencies of circumstance <obliged to find a job>
a : to put in one's debt by a favor or service <we are much obliged for your help>
b : to do a favor for <always ready to oblige a friend>
intransitive verb
1. to do something as or as if as a favor
EX: The law obliges the government to release certain documents to the public.
2)Commit \kə-ˈmit\ (v.)
transitive verb
a : to put into charge or trust : entrust
b : to place in a prison or mental institution
c : to consign or record for preservation <commit it to memory>
d : to put into a place for disposal or safekeeping
e : to refer (as a legislative bill) to a committee for consideration and report
2. to carry into action deliberately : perpetrate <commit a crime>
a : obligate, bind <a contract committing the company to complete the project on time>
b : to pledge or assign to some particular course or use <commit all troops to the attack>
c : to reveal the views of <refused to commit himself on the issue>
intransitive verb
1.obsolete : to perpetrate an offense
2. to obligate or pledge oneself
EX: The massacre was committed by the rebel army.
3)Sentiment \ˈsen-tə-mənt\ (n.)
a : an attitude, thought, or judgment prompted by feeling : predilection
b : a specific view or notion : opinion
a : emotion
b : refined feeling : delicate sensibility especially as expressed in a work of art
c : emotional idealism
d : a romantic or nostalgic feeling verging on sentimentality
a : an idea colored by emotion
b : the emotional significance of a passage or expression as distinguished from its verbal context
EX: His criticism of the court's decision expresses a sentiment that is shared by many people.
4)Relish \ˈre-lish\ (n.)
1. characteristic flavor; especially : pleasing or zestful flavor
2. a quantity just sufficient to flavor or characterize : trace
a : enjoyment of or delight in something that satisfies one's tastes, inclinations, or desires <eat with great relish>
b : a strong liking : inclination <has little relish for sports>
a : something adding a zestful flavor; especially : a condiment (as of pickles or green tomatoes) eaten with other food to add flavor
b : appetizer, hors d'oeuvre
EX: I like to eat hot dogs with mustard and relish.
5)Rage \ˈrāj\ (n.)
a : violent and uncontrolled anger
b : a fit of violent wrath
c archaic : insanity
2. violent action (as of wind or sea)
3. an intense feeling : passion
4. a fad pursued with intense enthusiasm <was all the rage>
EX: Her note to him was full of rage.
6)Savage \ˈsa-vij\ (adj.)
a : not domesticated or under human control : untamed <savage beasts>
b : lacking the restraints normal to civilized human beings : fierce, ferocious <a savage criminal>
2. wild, uncultivated <seldom have I seen such savage scenery — Douglas Carruthers>
a : boorish, rude <the savage bad manners of most motorists — M. P. O'Connor>
b : malicious
4. lacking complex or advanced culture : uncivilized <a savage country>
EX: The coast was lashed by savage storms.
7)Unfold \-ˈfōld\ (v.)
transitive verb
a : to open the folds of : spread or straighten out : expand <unfolded the map>
b : to remove (as a package) from the folds : unwrap
2. to open to the view : reveal; especially : to make clear by gradual disclosure and often by recital
intransitive verb
a : to open from a folded state : open out : expand
b : blossom
2. develop, evolve <as the story unfolds>
3. to open out gradually to the view or understanding : become known <a panorama unfolds before their eyes>
EX: The couch unfolds to form a bed.
8)Imply \im-ˈplī\ (transitive verb)
1obsolete : enfold, entwine
2. to involve or indicate by inference, association, or necessary consequence rather than by direct statement <rights imply obligations>
3. to contain potentially
4. to express indirectly <his silence implied consent>
EX: Early reports implied that the judge's death was not an accident.
9)Obedient \ō bē′dē ənt\ (adj.)
1.submissive to the restraint or command of authority : willing to obey
EX: Moses was doing his best to make woman obedient to man.
10)Erode \i-ˈrōd\ (v.)
transitive verb
1. to diminish or destroy by degrees:
a : to eat into or away by slow destruction of substance (as by acid, infection, or cancer)
b : to wear away by the action of water, wind, or glacial ice <flooding eroded the hillside>
c : to cause to deteriorate or disappear as if by eating or wearing away <inflation eroding buying power>
2. to produce or form by eroding <glaciers erode U-shaped valleys>
intransitive verb
1. to undergo erosion <where the land has eroded away>
EX: Crashing waves have eroded the cliffs along the beach.
11)Scatter \ˈska-tər\ (v.)
transitive verb
a : to cause to separate widely
b : to cause to vanish
2.archaic : to fling away heedlessly : squander
3. to distribute irregularly
4. to sow by casting in all directions : strew
a : to reflect irregularly and diffusely
b : to cause (a beam of radiation) to diffuse or disperse
6. to divide into ineffectual small portions
intransitive verb
1. to separate and go in various directions : disperse
2.: to occur or fall irregularly or at random
EX: The wind scattered the pile of leaves.
12)Carpet \ˈkär-pət\ (n.)
1. a heavy often tufted fabric used as a floor covering; also : a floor covering made of this fabric
2. a surface or layer resembling or suggesting a carpet
EX: We bought a new carpet for the bedroom.
13)Haunt \ˈhȯnt, ˈhänt\ (v.)
transitive verb
a : to visit often : frequent
b : to continually seek the company of
a : to have a disquieting or harmful effect on : trouble <problems we ignore now will come back to haunt us>
b : to recur constantly and spontaneously to <the tune haunted her>
c : to reappear continually in <a sense of tension that haunts his writing>
3. to visit or inhabit as a ghost
intransitive verb
1. to stay around or persist : linger
2. to appear habitually as a ghost
EX: Some people believe that the ghost of an old sea captain haunts the beach.
14)Gigantic \jī-ˈgan-tik, jə-\ (adj.)
1. exceeding the usual or expected (as in size, force, or prominence)
EX:A raccoon got into the trash and now there's a gigantic mess in our backyard
15)Patriot \ˈpā-trē-ət, -ˌät, chiefly British ˈpa-trē-ət\ (n.)
1.one who loves his or her country and supports its authority and interests
EX: He was a great patriot who devoted his life to serving his country.
16)Enclosed \in-ˈklōz, en-\ (transitive verb)
a (1) : to close in : surround <enclose a porch with glass> (2) : to fence off (common land) for individual use
b : to hold in : confine
2. to include along with something else in a parcel or envelope <a check is enclosed herewith>
EX: The pie's flaky crust encloses a fruit filling.
17)Isolated\ī′sə lāt′əd\ (adj.)
1. occurring alone or once : unique
2. sporadic
EX: The town remains a very isolated community.
18)Animate \ˈa-nə-mət\ (adj.)
1. possessing or characterized by life : alive
2. full of life : animated
3. of or relating to animal life as opposed to plant life
4. referring to a living thing <an animate noun>
EX: The lecture was about ancient worship of animate and inanimate objects.
19)Majestic \mə-ˈjes-tik\ (adj.)
1. having or exhibiting majesty : stately
EX:A majestic pillar of society who continues to entertain in grand style
20)Sketch \ˈskech\ (n.)
a : a rough drawing representing the chief features of an object or scene and often made as a preliminary study
b : a tentative draft (as for a literary work)
2. a brief description (as of a person) or outline
a : a short literary composition somewhat resembling the short story and the essay but intentionally slight in treatment, discursive in style, and familiar in tone
b : a short instrumental composition usually for piano
c : a slight theatrical piece having a single scene; especially : a comic variety act
EX: He made a sketch of his house.
21)Portrait \ˈpȯr-trət, -ˌtrāt\ (n.)
1. picture; especially : a pictorial representation of a person usually showing the face
2. a sculptured figure : bust
3. a graphic portrayal in words
EX: The queen posed for her portrait.
22)Phenomenal \fi-ˈnä-mə-nəl\ (adj.)
1.relating to or being a phenomenon: as
a : known through the senses rather than through thought or intuition
b : concerned with phenomena rather than with hypotheses
c : extraordinary, remarkable
EX:The phenomenal ability to remember the names of thousands of people
23)Veil \ˈvāl\ (n.)
a : a length of cloth worn by women as a covering for the head and shoulders and often especially in Eastern countries for the face; specifically : the outer covering of a nun's headdress
b : a length of veiling or netting worn over the head or face or attached for protection or ornament to a hat or headdress <a bridal veil>
c : any of various liturgical cloths; especially : a cloth used to cover the chalice
2. the life of a nun —often used in the phrase take the veil
3. a concealing curtain or cover of cloth
4. something that resembles a veil <a veil of stars>; especially : something that hides or obscures like a veil <lift the veil of secrecy>
5. a covering body part or membrane: as
a : velum
b : caul
EX: Veils of moss draped the trees.
24)Superficial \ˌsü-pər-ˈfi-shəl\ (adj.)
a (1) : of, relating to, or located near a surface (2) : lying on, not penetrating below, or affecting only the surface <superficial wounds>
b British of a unit of measure : square <superficial foot>
a : concerned only with the obvious or apparent : shallow
b : seen on the surface : external
c : presenting only an appearance without substance or significance
EX: They had a superficial knowledge of the topic.
25)Preface\ˈpre-fəs\ (n.)
1.often capitalized : a variable doxology beginning with the Sursum Corda and ending with the Sanctus in traditional eucharistic liturgies
2. the introductory remarks of a speaker or author
3. approach, preliminary
EX: The book's preface was written by the author.